
Chapter 34 Her Prince In Shinning Armour To The Rescue!

Roxanne was surprised to see that it was Penelope who has entered from behind her. She viewed the red haired beauty for a few seconds- curiosity and cautiousness evident in her eyes- before standing up and approaching her with her hand out.

"You must be Ms. Grant. Pleasure meeting you, my name's Penelope Cube." She introduced herself decently while accepting Roxanne's hand shake.

The blonde was somewhat caught off guard with her rather good attitude and deep down, a tinge of guilt surface.

"The pleasures all mine, please, take a seat." She shook away the feeling deep down and gestured towards the free seats.

"Thank you, and oh," Penelope was about to take her seat when it seemed like she suddenly remembered something. "Would it be okay if a friend of mine joined us." She said and pointed at the door.

Before Roxanne could voice her opinion, the door swung open and a cheeky looking Noirette walked in.

"Well, I don't mind." She muttered underneath her breath as she sank into her chair.

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