

In his home, Klaus sat on the couch opposite his father.

He had come to visit him earlier, with regards to Arabella's disappearance. Klaus had received many condolence cards and messages, it was almost as if everyone else wanted Arabella dead.

"You know, son, you do not have to blame yourself. There was nothing you could have done. Believe me, son." His father tried to speak, but Klaus did not believe him.

"I should have stayed." He continued to tell himself. "I should have followed her home first, or asked her to accompany me. She would have never been taken away if I was there with her."

He continued to repeat it over and over again.

He listened to his father speak, and stayed quiet.

Klaus Lavon nodded when he needed to, chuckled when he needed to, and hummed when he needed to. There was nothing else he could do, nothing else he wanted to do.

"Have you gotten any leads yet? Any one that actually means something?"

At his father's question, Klaus raised his head and met his fa
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