
Last Shot

This was her one shot at getting out of here alive. Arabella knew she had to give it all she could.

While the woman, Ramona, was busy drawing a sharp eyeliner with jet black ink on her eyelids, Arabella continued to fidget in her seat. She was restless, didn't know how to start, or what she could say to convince the woman.

"It'll do us both some good if you could really stay still." The lady snapped and Arabella raised her eyes to look at the woman.

Ramona stared back at her with empty and unkind golden orbs. Did she really need to bother? The woman did not look as though she was willing or ready to help anyone.

"I'm sorry ma'am. I just…" Arabella fought back the tears that rushed to her eyes, but it was too late.

The woman had already caught sight of her teary eyes, and took a step back from her.

"You're going to ruin everything I've been doing for the past ten minutes if you attempt to shed those tears." She cut in rudely, but Arabella paid her no mind. She allowed the tears t
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