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Klaus looked over the lady seated in front of his desk again.

She was seated on the top of his desk, arms crossed underneath her chest and her lips thinned into a thin smirk, her kicked her bottom lip sensually as her eyes moved over his tall frame.

Klaus’s jaw hardened and she stood with her feet on the ground. She started to walk towards him and Klaus could not help the whirlpool of annoyance that started to turn in his stomach.

His eyes narrowed on her as he stood straight and leered at her.

Klaus had always known Delilah was a crazy woman. He had just never thought that she would express her madness in his mansion, especially after the way they had ended.

It did not matter that Delilah was one of his kind, it did not matter that she was still madly in love with him, even though she knew everything he was capable of, nothing mattered in that moment, apart from the sole fact that she had yelled at Arabella and called her names.

“You look good,” She started to speak as she stoo
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