
A Thing Of The Past


"Oh, yessss.” Madeline gasped as the guard repeatedly plunged his dick into her.

Her eyes were rolled back, and she arched her back even more as he paddled her ass and gripped her hair hard.

Madeline's hands tightly held the sheets, and her teeth were clamped together as different waves of pleasure shot through her. She even increased the volume of her moans as the guard went on and on.

Ramming into her hole like a beast, Madeline closed her eyes and was immediately plagued with images of Lord Darius fucking her in this manner from behind. He would clutch her hair and whisper very foul words in her ear at the same time.

Madeline could feel the guard’s groin from behind, and as he yelled out, urging her to orgasm, with one of his hands coming to her clit and massaging it harder, she thought it was her master, Lord Darius, speaking to her in his deep seductive voice.

In that instant, Madeline came over the edge as she imagined Lord Darius' fingers on her clit, toying wi
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