
Stuck in the middle of two billonaires
Stuck in the middle of two billonaires
Author: L writer

Mr. cheaty cheat

Pamela's P.O.V:

It was another Monday morning, and I was exhausted. I was exhausted by the fact that my life was crumbling around me.

I should have listened to my mother when I was younger. Now that I'm twenty-five, I'm feeling very empty. My fiance, who had been supportive, was now my only hope.

I was about to cry when Liam came out of the bathroom. His towel dangled dangerously low around his waist, revealing his chiseled abs. Then he approached me with a smirk on his face.

"Don't tell me you're crying," he said.

"I mean, it's your birthday tomorrow, and you can't be crying on the eve," he said, taking my hand in his.

My birthday was the following day, and I had already informed my mother that I would bring Liam to her house. She'd only seen photos of him.

He drew me into a hug, and I rested my head on his lower belly. We'd been together for almost a year, but whenever we were so close, my body went haywire. I was late for work, but I was tempted to go for a quickie.

"Don't worry, you'll do great," he said as he drew me out of bed.

He kissed my neck and ran his hands up and down my thighs. My heart rate increased, and every muscle in my body tightened.

"Liam...." I gasped.

When he tried to slip his hands into my pants, my phone immediately beeped, and I yanked them out.

"We should do this later. Perhaps after dinner tonight "I kissed him on the cheek before grabbing my bag from the bed and sprinting out the door.

"Ms. Pam, they've already had two coffee breaks and..." Mia, my PA, said something, but I cut her off before she could finish.

"Tell them I'll be right there, no more coffees, I'm already on my way," I said to her as I rushed down the step.


I rushed into my office building, avoiding all of the greetings that were hurled at me. I laid off some of my previous employees at this branch and I didn't want the new ones to think I was a slacker.

I dashed into the hallway as soon as the elevator doors opened. Then something hard slammed into me, and my body became extremely hot.

"I'm sorry," someone said, and I stood there dumbfounded, staring at my white blouse and the rapidly spreading coffee stain.

"You may borrow my coat for the orientation. I'm truly sorry; I should have been more cautious "I looked up at him as he said this.

He was wearing glasses, his brows were drawn to the side, and his face was solemn. His rapture blue eyes were pitiful, but that didn't quiet my rage.

Mia arrived on the scene just as I was about to yell at him.

"Ma'am, we must leave immediately; everyone is waiting," she said, and I noticed the young man's eyes widen.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry.." he bowed several times, but I ignored him and followed Mia.

Mia gave me her jacket because there was no way to clean the mess. Fortunately, I was wearing a black skirt that matched perfectly, but the problem was that Mia was plus-sized and I was a little slim, so I was literally swimming in the jacket.

"Attention, everyone," I said as I stepped up to the podium. Then I looked around, and my gaze met that of the man who had collided with me.

He was cute and hot, but I was too old for that—this finger needed a ring.

"I apologize for being late for the orientation. You know how some mornings you run into strangers and have coffee splattered on you? "He sank into his chair as I spoke.


I decided to return to Liam's apartment after the new staff orientation. I had an appointment with Mr. Markinson and I needed to change my clothes and return to the office. Mia said he contacted her, and I was curious about his offer.

When I arrived at Liam's door, I noticed an unfamiliar shoe on his doormat. I assumed his sister was around. So I hurriedly slipped in my keys and pulled the door open.

My heart immediately became heavy, and I felt as if I couldn't breathe. This was the last thing I needed to see right now. There were loose clothing everywhere. Her pants were on the couch, which I had purchased with my hard-earned one thousand dollars.

"Liam!" As tears stung my eyes, I yelled in rage.

The door to the bedroom was immediately opened, and a lady walked out. She was butt naked while putting on my favorite Liam shirt.

"Who are you and why are you wearing my shirt?" I screamed and dashed in to hit her.

But the door to the apartment opened, and Liam entered. Then I turned to face him with my brows drawn to the center.

"Pamela," he stated solemnly.

"Who is this, Liam, honey?" The lady inquired.

"Yes, Liam, who am I?" I inquired, my eyes welling up with tears.

"Is this why you abandoned me and the babies in Texas? Is this some sort of prank?" In a high pitched voice, she inquired.

When I heard the word "babies," my stomach tightened. Was he married or not? This had to be a joke, I reasoned.

"Pamela, this is my wife Bianca, and Bianca, this is my boss, Pamela," he said to the lady.

Boss? I questioned him as I stared at him.

Then I burst out laughing. I approached Liam and slapped him in the face.

"Liam, you better fucking stop this if it's a joke, I'm definitely not in the mood," I yelled. I was on the verge of going insane.

"Woman! Take note of how ..."The lady tried to stop me, but I cut her off.

"Don't get too close to me with your naked butt or I'll... I threatened, but Liam grabbed my hand firmly.

His expression hardened for the first time ever.

"I think you should leave, Pamela. I respect you as my boss, and I am aware that you are obsessed with me, but I have already informed you that I am married "Liam gave me a cold stare as he spoke with his jaw clenched.

Wait what? Obsessed? Boss? Where is all this coming from? I gaped fluttering my lashes.

Then he grabbed me and yanked open the door.

"Liam! I warn you, if this is a joke, you better stop it right now!" I yelled, as he pushed me out.

"If I see you harassing my wife again, I'll call the cops, whether you're my boss or not!" he yelled as he slammed the door in my face.

My brain was jittery at the time; I kept telling myself it was a joke, and I pinched myself several times to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Then I started banging on his door like a fool.

"Liam! I warn you, I'll kill you, I swear!" I yelled as my fists struck the cold metallic door.

Then I heard him call on security, and two men in uniform arrived quickly to whisk me away.

"Don't fucking touch me," I said as I struggled, but they dragged me roughly.

"This isn't over, Liam!" I yelled as they dragged me down the stairs.....

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