
CH92 - Cedric's POV

Morning came all too soon for the three of us. I had hoped we would have a little more time to sleep in, but training should never be delayed. Every second we waste, the worse off we will be in battle.

I lean over and nudge Dereck first, followed by Kai. I keep my voice gentle, but loud enough to arouse them. “Come on now. Time to get up.”

Kai utters his usual morning complaint before tossing away from me. I can’t help but smile at him. Kai has never been a morning person, but last night probably didn’t help.

Dereck, however, wakes up after a moment and stretches. With a smile, he wraps an arm around Kai and plants a kiss on his head. “Come on lazybones,” he whispers. “Or else I’ll steal the covers and throw cold water on you.”

It takes mere seconds for Kai to get up and shoot out of bed. “I’m awake! I’m up!” He says, not giving Dereck the chance to carry out his promise of a cold wake-up call.

“That’s one way to get him up,” I laugh softly and shake my head. “Let’s get dressed a
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