
Sunny Days
Sunny Days
Author: Hanonymous


We always loved the idea of having been able to go through life easily. Be born, be raised as a happy child, be adventurous during teenage years, figure out where you're good at in your young adulthood phase, land your dream job, earn a ridiculous amount of money, get married, and lead a great parenting life when you reach the peak of your adulthood. For some, this is what self actualization means as illustrated in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

I’ve seen people reach this milestone when they turn 30. Me? Well I’m still pretty famous for my age. My status? I have no intention to figure it out anymore. Was I married? Did I get a divorce? To whom have I been building a house for? People often think the rich and the powerful go through life easily. I tell you, that’s a lie. Some often think that money is the only way to be happy. When I was a boy that was what I think of because I thought happiness comes only with shiny things… at least before I met this certain person. I didn’t think that happiness could also come from annoying things. Like Sunny. Well she’s not actually a thing. She’s this girl I met in my young adulthood phase that confused my perception in life and of course, just like what I have said, she did things that annoyed me.

I’ve been thinking about all these while I witness the unfinished look of my one-of-a-kind house situated in a one-of-a-kind high land for that one-of-a-kind person in my life. In one fleeting moment, the house in front of me changed gradually, becoming a grass land, slopes becoming uneven once more and there was a single tomb with white flowers on it. I’m back at it again.

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