
An unexpected guest.

Elrod arrived and parked his car at the apartment building premises before he rushed inside after coming down from his car.

He didn't exactly know which room number Tina's apartment was, so he went ahead and confronted the security guard he bribed before.

"Please sir, I'll show you her room. But don't get me into trouble because of this". The security guard said, causing Elrod who was still panting fastly to nod his head desperately.

The security guard led Elrod to Tina's room apartment after collecting another bribe money from Elrod. He left Elrod alone afterwards, not waiting for the door to be answered.

"This is it. I'll knock and press on this door ring bell until that brat inside gets tired of the noise and opens the door". Elrod said proudly with a smirk, as if he was already sure that Tina would open the door eventually.

Elrod started and did as he said. He pressed the door ring bell over 50 times including hitting the door with his hands, but no matter what, no one answer
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