
chapter one hundred and six

Heaven's POV:

The cafe's dim lighting cast shadows on Chase's face, emphasizing the frustration etched across his features. As much as I despised the idea of sitting across from him, there was a twisted satisfaction in seeing him squirm.

"Why am I here, Chase? This better be worth my time," I snapped, my arms crossed defensively. I had no intention of making this easy for him.

Chase leaned forward, his gaze intense. "We can't keep fighting like this. It's destructive for both of us and everyone else involved. We need to find a way to coexist or at least maintain a semblance of peace."

I scoffed, unimpressed by his attempt at diplomacy. "Peace with you? That's laughable. What's your real game, Chase?"

He sighed, frustration evident. "There is no game, Heaven. I just want to avoid unnecessary bloodshed and chaos. Can't we find some common ground?"

Rolling my eyes, I maintained a skeptical demeanor. "Common ground with you? I doubt it. But fine, let's hear your proposal."

As he presented
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