
Chapter Sixty-six

Having arrived from the meeting with Cain hours ago, Bryan sat crossed leg in his office, plotting out his next actions when he got a call.

It was from the bodyguards he’d gotten for Roy.

“Hello Sir,” the bodyguard’s voice sounded shaky and alarm bells rang in Bryan’s psyche. “We can’t seem to find Mr. Jordan.”

“What do you mean?” he thundered, leaping off his chair, “I hired to protect him at all times.”

“Yes sir, we have no excuse other than he left the office very early, and later he called us to come to pick him up at a coffee shop….” They trailed off when Bryan ended the call.

He tried Roy’s number just for its sake, already aware that the phone would be dead.

There was no way to track his location since his phone wasn’t on.

Dread slithered down his spine as a single thought came to his head. Only one person could abduct Roy so shortly.

His father.

He quickly called his assistant to prepare the private Jet. “We’re heading to Ortiz.”

Back at the gambling house.

Instantly Roy got a
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