
Evil Livia


"Well, well, if it isn't little Eva," Livia had sneered, her voice echoing off the tiled walls.

I had tried to ignore them, focusing on washing my hands, hoping they would just leave me alone. But of course, that wasn’t Livia’s style.

"Hey, I'm talking to you," she had said, her tone sharp. She had stepped closer, and I could see the malicious glint in her eyes.

"Please, Livia, I just want to be left alone," I had said quietly, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Left alone?" Livia had laughed, a cruel, mocking sound. "You're in no position to make demands."

Before I could react, she had grabbed my arm and shoved me against the sink. The cold, hard edge had pressed painfully into my back.

"Why do you even bother coming to school, Eva? You're a joke," she had hissed, her face inches from mine.

I had struggled to get free, but Livia's grip was strong. "Livia, let go of me!"

"Or what?" she had challenged, her voice dripping with scorn. "What are you going to do about it?"

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