
Working overnight


But then, a flicker of doubt crossed my mind. Could Tristin really be capable of murder? Despite their rocky relationship, I have never seen him exhibit such violence. Memories of their rare moments of being real siblings flashed before me— a shared laugh at a family gathering, a genuine compliment he had once given me on my achievements.

I clenched my fists, torn between loyalty to my family and the unsettling doubt in my heart. "What if I'm wrong?" I whispered, feeling a pang of uncertainty.

My phone buzzed with a text from my best friend, urging me to meet up. Taking a deep breath, I wiped away a stray tear and replied with a quick "On my way." I needed to clear my head, to sort through the chaos of emotions swirling inside me.

As I stepped out of my room and passed by the study door, I hesitated. Through the crack, I could hear murmurs of strategizing, voices filled with determination. My parents were standing by Tristin, ready to fight for his innocence.

I closed my
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