

What would I do now?

Isabel was being kissed by her therapist! A grown man!

Do I go in and stop this or just walk away?. I contemplated for minutes with a racing heart and eventually, I decided to walk away and talk to Isabel later about it. It wasn’t the best idea but it was what I could settle for.

Dr Reynolds informed me of my mom’s surgery procedure, I held her scaly hands with hope because she was finally getting her treatment! I couldn’t wait to see my mom all better like I promised her!

Against my initial plan, I texted Lisa to meet up at the mall, when she didn’t reply because she was still mad, I bought her favorite soda and went ahead to the mall to apologize to her.

“What are you doing here?”

She frowned immediately she saw me approaching her on the jewelry aisle.


I tried to apologize but she held her hand up, shutting me up.

“I forgive you.” She said, like I had actually offended her.

“I got you your fav soda.” I smiled, handing the soda to her . “I hate it when we fight.” I said and hugged her.

“Me too.” Lisa said back.

“Now help me pick out a dress, I’ve been so indecisive!”

She pouted which made me laugh. Lisa may be annoying sometimes but I loved her anyway.

Lisa was at the cashier when a text from Eric popped up on my phone.

Eric: I booked a spa session for you. We have a date by 6, pick a dress from Matilda’s and anything else you’d like.

Oh Eric. I smiled and when I looked up I saw Lisa hugging Jeremy, he winked at me when our eyes met. I wished she would see how much of a jerk he really was!

I walked up to them.

“Lisa, I gotta go, I have somewhere to be right now.”

“Not this again, Liv!”

She snapped.

“But I really have to leave.”

“Hi Liv. It’s good to see you—

“Liv was just leaving.”

Lisa interrupted Jeremy as she glared at me.

I sighed and simply walked away. I was tired of my best friend’s persistent attitude!

I was all dressed up prettily on a date with Eric at a Mexican restaurant, I tried to mask my sadness with fake smiles but he saw right through me and he kept asking what was wrong but I couldn’t tell him. I tossed around my food, worried about Lisa upset again with me.

“I got something for you.”

He said, pulling me out of deep thoughts.

“Come with me.” He gave me his hand and took me to an open space. There was a black Mercedes AMG parked in front of me.

I turned to Eric in confusion and there was a huge smile on his face.

No way!

It couldn’t be mine!

“Is this.. mine?” I asked.

“Yes Liv. It’s yours.” He handed me the Keys which I took with shaky hands.

“Oh my goodness!.” I whispered, looking at Eric and my new car repeatedly. This was unbelievable!

“Thank you for accepting this contract, Liv, I know it isn’t entirely what you want—

I didn’t wait for him to finish before I attacked him with a tight hug, tears filling me eyes.

“Thank you Eric.” I muttered into his mint scented shirt.

He held me for what felt like minutes as I sobbed like a little girl in her father’s arms.

I looked up at him, still in his arms and gave him the sweetest smile ever.

“I would really like to take you home and fuck you till we’re both worn out.” He said with a crooked smile and lovey dovey eyes.

I blushed.

“I would really like that too.” I agreed.

True to Eric’s words, he fucked me till we were too exhausted to even kiss. For a man his age, he had an impressive stamina, I lost count of the number of times I came. We dozed off together smelling like each other and good sex. I was happy with Eric.

I woke up at midnight to pee and I noticed Eric was gone. He hadn’t slept in my room and that made me feel sad.




You’re not invited to my birthday party #still mad at you.

Waking up to Lisa’s angry text got me tired already for the day, plus I felt pretty sore from the intense love making session Eric and I had last night.

I left for the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee, I met Isabel having breakfast.

“Morning Isabel.”

I said to her but she ignored me and kept eating.

I proceeded to the kitchen and made a cup of coffee before returning to her. I sat down near her but she didn't acknowledge my presence.

“I know about you and Edwin.” I told her.

She stopped eating immediately and looked at me. There was fear in her eyes.

“I saw him kissing you.”

“Don’t tell my dad! Please! He’ll take Edwin away from me!”

She dropped her cutleries and held my hands.

“Isabel you’re seventeen and Edwin is older! This isn’t right, he’s taking advantage of you!” I explained to her but she took it the wrong way.

“No! He’s not! You don’t understand! He loves me. When I turn eighteen and go to college, we’ll get married. He’s the only man that wants me! I have no friends, no life! Edwin makes me happy!”

Isabel stood up abruptly and left.

This was bad. Real bad.

Eric had gone for a golf match with business friends, he returned for lunch and found me in the kitchen baking cookies.

“Hey sweetheart.”

He slid his hands around my waist and pulled me to himself.

“Eric.” I giggled and turned around to kiss him.

“These for me?.” He asked with a cute boyish smile that made him look younger.

“Yes baby.”

I kissed his strong jaw as he took a cookie.

He looked happy, now was a good time to tell him about Isabel and Edwin.

“Eric, I need to talk to you about something.” I started.

“What is it?”

He asked, leaning against the kitchen island.

“It’s about—

“Hi daddy!”

Isabel rushed into the kitchen and hugged her father.

“Hey princess.”

Eric kissed her hair.

“Mmm! Cookies! Yum!” Isabel took a cookie with a fake smile and ate.

“Liv, you were about to tell me something.” He reminded me.

I couldn’t continue that conversation, not with Isabel shooting daggers at me with her eyes.

“It’s not important.”

I smiled. Eric watched me curiously for a moment before shrugging, “Okay, I’ll go shower.”

He said and left.

“You were going to tell my dad!

Isabel whispered as soon as her father was out of sight.

“Isabel, it’s for your own good. Eric’s a predator!”

I told her.

“You’re so nosey and obsessed with me! It’s none of your business, you’re not my mom.” She told me angrily and pointed a finger at me “I’m warning you Olivia, if Edwin leaves, you leave! I can make my Dad hate you real fast!”

She said and walked away.

After a little agitating back and forth with Lisa, she re invited me to her birthday party.

I told Eric about going to the party and he offered for me to go in his limo with a chauffeur but I went with my car instead, Lisa would ask me a thousand and one questions if I arrived her party in a limo.

I parked my car two buildings away from Lisa’s party. She didn’t know about my new car and i wanted to keep it that way. I was wearing one of the dresses Eric filled my wardrobe with, a champagne colored dress with a set of diamond earrings and metallic gold heels, paired with Taylor swift red lipstick, I was totally giving a billionaire’s mistress.

“Why are you late!”

Lisa snapped at me.

“I’m right on time.”

“As my best friend, you’re supposed to be here before anyone else!” She said and then eyed me from head to toe. “ Where did you get a customized vintage dress!?”


Oh no!

“It was a gift.” I replied.

“From who!?”

I opened my mouth to lie but then Jeremy appeared.

“Oh, Liv’s here.”

He smiled at me. He was dressed nicely in a black shirt and jeans.

“I asked you a question Liv.”

Lisa pulled my hand, angrily.

Why was she so upset that I was wearing a nice dress!?

“What’s going on?”

Jeremy stepped in between us.

“Liv’s keeping things from me.”

“I’m not!”

“You so are!”

“Calm down, ladies.” He held his hands to us as if we were fighting over him. As if!

I scoffed and looked away, angry at Lisa.

“Lisa go cool off, it’s your birthday and Liv, come with me, I’ll get you a drink.” He said.

“Thanks baby, you’re the best.”

Lisa kissed her boyfriend and then rolled her eyes at me before leaving.

I was left alone with Jeremy.

“She’ll come around.”

He told me.

Jeremy got me a drink and sat with me at a table. I moved a little away from him.

“I know we got off on a wrong foot.” He told me.

“We haven’t gotten off on any foot and I would like to keep it that way.” I said and took a small sip from my drink.

I missed Eric already and just wanted leave this stupid party.

“We can be friends, Liv.” He said. “Or more, Lisa doesn’t have to know.”

He was such a jerk! If only Lisa knew!

“You’re not my type.” I told him knowing fully well my type was silver fox billionaire AKA Eric.

“We’ll see.” He said but I didn’t reply him because I began to feel light, my vision was blurring and my head was spinning.

Was it my drink?

Was I sick?

I tried to get up and leave but then I tripped over and was caught by steady hands and kept carefully on a seat.

“Relax Liv, I’ll take care of you.”

A voice said in my head as I dozed off.

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