

Kyle King

I watched Tessa rush to her children as the cops led them into the house. It was a beautiful scene, and I wanted to join them, but the disapproving glance from Tessa’s mother made me reconsider my action. 

The cops told us how they got the information about Avaline’s hideout. The motel manager suspected something was wrong with the kids because they refused to stop crying and were repeatedly yelling ‘mum’. He questioned Avaline, and she gave lousy excuses about being the kids' estranged aunt and taking care of them until her sister returned from Alaska. However, when he asked the kids if she was truly their aunt, they turned mute immediately.

He called the cops the following day and reported Avaline as a disturbing adult with kids who seemed afraid of her. He wasn’t aware she had kidnapped them.

After years of staying with Avaline, I still didn’t know her. She was dangerous and would obviously do anything just to have me, like Tessa had said. I had to settle the divorce once and for all. I needed to move on with my life and focus on a new beginning.

While Tessa’s parents relayed further instructions to the cops, I followed Tessa upstairs with the kids. She wanted to protest, but the plea in my eyes made her change her mind. I watched her warm their water for a bath and helped sort out fresh clothes while she helped them bathe.

A few minutes later, she dressed them while I watched her. She still didn’t say anything, even when I commented on how the kids took her smile and beauty. I took her silence as one of my punishments and got out of her way as she arranged the bed. From the beautiful colours in the room, I suspected that it was Hope’s room. Hope. Ever since I knew her name, I have always wondered why Tessa named her Hope and not my mother’s name, as we agreed. 

I started to ask her, but Nicholas' cries made me stop. An elderly woman walked in, took Nicholas from Tessa, and led them out of the room. It was then that I realised she had been crying. I had been too lost in my thoughts to notice the change in her composure and emotion. 

‘Tessa, are you okay?’ I asked, gathering my hands. Thankfully, she didn’t resist.

She sniffed, looking at me. ‘I was just lost in my thoughts. What if the cops didn’t find them? How would I have woken up each day? I hope the court ensures Avaline rots in prison. No offence, Kyle, but you married a heartless person just like you.’

I felt hurt but didn’t let it reflect in my voice: ‘I am glad they are back, Tessa. You shouldn’t think about the ‘what if’s’ anymore. They are safe, and thanks to your parents, Avaline will be spending at least a year in prison.’

Tessa scoffed, ‘Just a year? That’s too low. She kidnapped my children! Wait, did you beg on her behalf? I won’t be surprised, though; you are her husband after all.’

I looked up, shocked by her assumption, and said, ‘Come on, Tessa. I won’t do that to you, please. Also, I am settling our divorce today. My attorney referred a lawyer to act on his behalf and make the proceedings faster. I want her out of my life too. She's caused a lot of trouble already.’

She laughed, releasing herself from my hold. ‘I hope you aren’t doing this for me. I still stand by what I said earlier. We don’t want you here, Kyle. I just allowed you in here because you stood by me, not your wife. So, please, don’t let this closure make you think there’s still a chance, okay?’

I sighed, not knowing what to say. She stood up and readjusted her flowing pink gown. She looked beautiful in it, and I couldn't help but take in the line of her face and curvy shape. She had gone through tremendous change since I last saw her.

‘Tessa, are you sure there’s no space for me in your life?’ 

She replied, without glancing at me, ‘Go and fix your life, Kyle. There’s nothing for you here. Thank you for your help.’

I stood up, smiling. ‘You’re wrong, Tessa. There’s something for me here, and I am going to fight for it with everything I have within me. Also, expect to see more of me in the following weeks; I won’t be leaving yet.’

She turned, surprise written all over her face. ‘What do you mean by not leaving yet?’

‘You will discover the answer soon.’ I replied, walking away in a more assured way. I knew what I had to do to win her heart back. I just hope that nothing will spoil my chances.


‘I am sorry about what I did, Kyle. I wasn’t thinking about the consequences of my actions. Please forgive me and don’t let me sign this. I still love you,’ Avaline cried, returning the papers to me. 

The lawyer shook his head. ‘You have to sign it. It’s long overdue, Avaline. My client has enough evidence that this marriage is unhealthy and for money gains.’

She sniffed, glaring at me. ‘You’re doing this because of her, right? I can’t believe you would choose her and not me after everything, Kyle! You made me kidnap those children, and instead of you standing by me, you come in here and request I sign this thing!’

I replied, ‘I didn’t make you do anything, Ava. You kidnapped those kids due to your jealousy and envy. I am glad they caught you, because I wonder what you would have done to them if the motel manager hadn’t been suspicious of you. You are lucky, though; your parents pulled a lot of strings to ensure you spent just six months in jail. Once you are out, stay away from us!’ 

She took the pen and signed the papers. ‘Kyle, thank you. I will definitely stay away from you, but you will always watch your back because I will be lurking in the dark.’

I swallowed, not liking her words. ‘Have a good life, Avaline.’

She smiled darkly without saying anything. I wish she had, because it would have helped me to know what she was thinking.

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