

Geneveive Tessa Robert

‘You could have seen the way she behaved yesterday, Vee. She could have harmed me if not for the members' intervention. Is it my fault that the play the club chose has similarities with her marriage, huh? I am just grateful that yesterday was her last day here. I am not looking forward to seeing her again.’

Vera threw a piece of popcorn in her mouth, crunching noisily. ‘Sorry about the noise,’ she started. ‘Avaline is a jealous woman, and honestly, I don’t know what Kyle saw in her. You said she’s leaving today, right?’

I nodded, ‘Yeah, while Kyle will be leaving on Saturday. I can’t wait for them to leave. It’s been months of drama, and I really need peace.’

‘We all need it. So, what’s up with the kids? Are you going to tell them about their daddy?’

‘No, that is too early. Besides, I am not ready to let him into their lives right now. He’s too late for the opportunity.'

Vera sighed. ‘I know you’re going to hate me for saying this, but I have to. I think you should let him in, Tessa. It's been almost six years, and I can bet that guy still has feelings for you, just like you still do. You already forgave him, so what else? You got part of his company too.’

I stared at her, repeating everything she just said. I wasn’t yet feeling justified for everything that Kyle had done to me. No, I couldn’t make it easy for him, even though he had forgiven me. He made me cry and left me with nothing. I would never forgive that act.

I replied, clearing my throat, ‘As much as I want to do exactly what you just said, I don’t think it will work for me. I mean, after everything? He can’t just have a free pass into my life. Don’t forget, he’s still married to that crazy woman. After her threat yesterday, I shouldn’t be careless at this point.’

‘But, Tessa. The kids deserve their father, don’t they?’

I smiled. ‘Of course they will meet him in due time, but for now, don’t bring this up again. I will only allow him into my life when I am satisfied that he’s truly sorry for what he did to me.’

She shook her head, disapproval written all over her. ‘Just don’t get burned again. I don't want to see you cry, okay?’

I nodded, drawing her in for a hug. ‘Trust me on this, babe. You know, he’s not going to be here forever, so I will have the opportunity to think about my plans properly. So, don’t be scared for me, please.’

‘Yeah, right. What if he doesn’t leave on Saturday? What if he decides to stay, Tessa?’

I shrugged. ‘Then, that will be fine. Actually, I will like that, you know? It will help my plans, and maybe I could pull one or two tricks on Kyle?’

She laughed, ‘I can’t believe you, girl, but it’s alright. Whatever you decide to do, do it. I am your ride or die anyway. ‘

I smiled nervously, changing the conversation. I knew if we continued this conversation, I might end up changing my mind and doing exactly what she wanted. I didn’t even have feelings for Kyle, so there was no reason for me to want him back in my life.

But what about my kids? Weren’t there enough reasons for me to listen to Ava? No. Like I told Mom, I was their father and mother, and Kyle was just the donor. I was bent on keeping this theory up. Accepting this logic, I returned my focus to Vera as she told me about everything that happened with Murray and his family.

I was definitely hearing the wedding bells coming sooner than I expected. Vera was finally in love.


Afternoons on Wednesdays are always my favourite part of the week, but it wasn’t because of the school run duties but because it was the only day out of my busy week I had time to take the kids out for ice cream and pizzas, or maybe to the children’s park. I cherished this moment because I could really enjoy being a mom and having them to myself without Estella giving me stern looks. No offence though, but Estella was the older version of my mom; they pampered the twins too much, and no matter how many times I complained, I always ended up being tutored about the right way to be a mother. 

I enjoyed their advice, but maybe if they allowed me to train the kids my way, I would understand the ‘right ways of being a mom’. I know they meant no harm anyway, but like I always say, too much of everything wasn’t good.’

I stopped at their school, St. Catherine’s Primary School, and walked into the hall, but the confused stare from their homeroom teacher told me immediately that something was wrong. 

‘Where are my kids?’ I asked, smiling a bit. I didn’t want her confused stare to disrupt my balance.

The homeroom teacher, Mrs. Nancy, replied, ‘I thought you sent your sister to pick them up. She said her name is Avaline and that you were swamped with work activities.’

Avaline picked my kids? Dear Lord!

I yelled, ‘Avaline isn’t my sister! Why didn’t you call me or the kids nanny before letting her go with the kids?’

Mrs. Nancy swallowed, ‘I am sorry, but I did, and your lines weren’t going. Also, your nanny wasn’t picking, and Avaline called you. You picked it and confirmed it.’

I looked at her like she had grown horns on her head. ‘She tricked you, Miss. Nancy! I am going to get you arrested if anything happens to my kids. That woman isn’t my sister, but an enemy! You just let her take my kids like that. Dear Lord! I hope they’re fine, please.’

She apologised and quickly called the principal. The principal called the cops, and even though they weren’t missing yet, my family’s name made them start searching immediately. 

I called my parents and James while crying horribly. What if that woman killed my kids out of spite and jealousy?

I sent a text to Kyle too. He was the only one who could lead us to where Ava was.

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