

Avaline King

I smiled, enjoying the horrific look on Tessa’s face. ‘You should learn to answer your elders respectfully. Now, where were we?’

Tessa shook her head. ‘You shouldn’t have done that, Ava. Those project plans took your cousin and me weeks to create. I hope you have a good reason when she questions you about this.’

‘You will redo them because Muna is one of your biggest clients. Anyway, she will believe her blood more than you. I will just tell her you were angry about her suggestions and decided to trash them. That should do it, right?’

Dahila agreed, ‘Yes, that’s smart. Now, back to the reason why we are here: Tessa, I heard a rumour, and I need to confirm it before I take further action. Those kids are with you. Is Kyle their father?’

Tessa smiled, adjusting her red hair. I could tell she wasn’t afraid of us, but she was relaxed, which wasn’t the expression I expected from her.

‘I don’t owe you or Avaline any answer about my personal life. If this is why you and her showed up here, well, I am sorry to disappoint you, but you won’t be getting anything from me,’ she replied, holding my gaze. ‘Also, Ava, shouldn’t you be thinking about your broken marriage instead of running after me? From what the papers said this morning, Kyle isn’t going to be settling you with anything. It’s such a shame you’re going to end up worse than me.’

I glared at her, clenching my fist. ‘Shut up, Tessa! Don’t you dare talk about my marriage. You might be the mother of Kyle’s kids, but that doesn’t mean that he’s going to end up with you, okay? Also, I don’t need to remind you that my family name is prominent in the fashion world, and we mightn’t be rich like your family, but at least we didn’t get to where we are by stealing other people’s ideas.’

Tessa chuckled, facing Dahila. ‘Is this what you have been feeding her? Wow. You have improved your lying skills, ma’am. Anyway, I won’t say anything more than this: Ava, I hope you don’t end up crying and broken because that’s what Dahila does to people who she can control easily.’ 

Dahila said nothing as I faced her. Of course, she wouldn’t. I knew Teresa was right.

Tessa continued, not minding the silence, ‘I will be taking my leave because this isn’t a favourable conversation. Also, Ava, I captured a video while you were tearing up the plans. I hope you can draw like I can, or else, kiss goodbye to your cousin relationship.’

‘We aren’t done with you, Tessa!’ I yelled, getting up too. ‘I don’t want you to keep seeing my husband, okay? If I see him at your house next time, I'm going to embarrass you.’

‘Embarrass me? Look around you, girl. This isn’t Nashville or the States, where you can run your mouth. I will advise you to return home and book the next flight to Nashville. Take your bully ex-mother-in-law with you and let Kyle concentrate on completing the job he was hired to do. Also, don’t let me catch you at my dad’s hotel, okay? This is your last warning.’

Before I could reply to her, she was out of the door. Damn! 

Dahila started to say something, but the expression on my face changed her mind. 

I settled back into my chair, ignoring the glances from some of the onlookers. I knew how I was going to deal with Tessa. I just had to strike at the right time.


After dropping Dahila off at her friend’s place, I drove home. Kyle had finally allowed me to use the vehicle Robert’s family had loaned him. It was nice, but wasn’t up to my taste. I stopped by a boutique and decided to purchase some dresses. I had Kyle’s card with me, and thanks to Dahila, I had the pin too. If what Tessa said was true, then it would hurt if I enjoyed his wealth before we finalized the divorce. 

That’s if we finalized the divorce.

The sales attendant wasn’t helpful, but I tried my best not to be angry and focused on picking the right outfits that fit my curves. After selecting the outfits, I decided to change into one. I was planning to storm the hotel and prove to Tessa that I wasn’t afraid of her little threats. Thankfully, Kyle and Xavier were out of town. I had also booked one of their least expensive rooms to avoid another embarrassment.

My plans suddenly became a fairytale when Kyle walked into the boutique, clearly annoyed.

‘Avaline, what is wrong with you? I thought I warned you not to meet with Tessa or her kids! Gosh! I am sick and tired of you and your craziness!’ Kyle yelled, drawing the attention of other shoppers.

I shrugged, not minding the attention. This wasn’t my country anyway. ‘You and that thing asked for it. You should be grateful I didn’t physically harm her like I planned, Kyle. Anyway, I have told you that you won’t get the happiness you seek in life. Not while I am still here and alive.’

He laughed, shaking his head. ‘This is going to be your last warning, Avaline. You either return home or just stay away from Tessa and her family, okay? As for my mom, I am going to deal personally with her. I can’t believe both of you!’

I ignored him and handed over the card to the sales attendant, but before she could swipe it, Kyle grabbed it from her.

‘What did I tell you about stealing from me?’ He yelled, staring coldly at me.

I defended myself, not liking the attention now. ‘I didn’t steal from you, Kyle. I am your wife, and I believe I am entitled to certain things, like your money.’

‘Settle the bills by yourself then. See you at home.’ he replied, walking off.

I hissed, handing over my card. Thankfully, I still had access to the D.K. account. All thanks to Uncle David’s carelessness. Hopefully, Kyle won’t find out until I'm out of the picture.

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