

Geneveve Tessa King

I read the text that Kyle sent again. It was more like a warning than a concern. His mom was in town, and he wanted me to be careful. Careful about what? I wasn’t afraid of his mom, and I hadn't even done anything to her, so why should I be careful? Except she wanted to harm my kids. I forwarded the message to James. He would know what to do with it.  

Also, it might be Kyle’s way of telling me to prepare for an epic battle. After yesterday’s conversation, I knew he wasn’t going to stop until he had his chance with me and the kids. 

Kyle King.

I replayed the conversation I had with mom after Kyle left. She had questioned my feelings for Kyle and wanted to know if I still loved him. I couldn’t answer her. Before the kids came and after they did, I still kept a space for him in my heart. Even after I burned everything that reminded me of him, a part of him still remained. Then, Hoplas was created, and the feelings I had slowly faded. I wasn’t in love with him anymore, and all I had for him was pity, and maybe I still despised him.

I walked into Hope’s room. Today was their dentist appointment, and looking at Hope struggling with Estella, I knew we were going to be late, just like the last appointment.

‘What’s the issue, Estella? It’s almost one o'clock, and Hope isn’t dressed yet.’ I asked, gathering hope in my arms.  

Estella sighed. ‘She refused to wear the sunflower satin gown you chose for her. So, I told her to pick what she wants, and you can guess how that is going.’

I smiled, letting go of hope and focusing on the heap of clothes. I picked a short and a shirt. Please, just take this and let her wear it. I have told you that you shouldn’t be allowing her to have it her way all the time. You’re pampering her, Estella.’

‘You know, I don't like yelling at them. They're my little babies, ma, but I get you. Too much of everything isn’t good.’

I nodded. ‘I am glad you see sense in what I am saying. Hurry up with Hope, and I will check up with Nicholas. He’s probably still playing with his toys. I have to meet with a client by evening, so I really need to meet up with the appointment.’ 

She replied, ignoring Hope’s tantrums, ‘Alright, I will be quick. Do you want me to follow you so that I can bring the kids home?’

‘Yes, thank you, Estella. I won’t be able to do anything if they are with me. Once you are ready with Hope, please take the cake out of the oven. It should be ready in the next thirty minutes.’

I stepped into Nicholas’s room, and the guilty look on his face told me he had been up to mischief. His coloured fingers told me everything, and the stains on his overalls explained the whole story. 

We were definitely going for the dentist’s appointment.


The dentist’s appointment took longer due to our lateness, and by the time Estella had taken them off my hands, I was already late for my appointment with my client. Arriving at the cafe where we were supposed to meet, I saw someone, but not the friendly Australian businesswoman who I had spoken with earlier today. Avaline. What was she doing here? I ignored her taunting gaze and called the Australian woman Muna. 

She picked immediately: ‘I am sorry, Miss. Tessa, but I won’t be able to make it. However, I sent my cousin to drop off the project plans with you. Her name is Avaline, and I think you know her, right?’

I swallowed, glancing at Ava. I should have suspected when Muna told me she had a cousin married to a famous CEO in the States, and I might know the person. Now, I wish I had been nosy. I could have known what to expect, and probably I would have rescheduled. I didn’t like Avaline for obvious reasons.

‘It’s alright. I will go through the project plans and reply via email. Would that be okay with you?’ 

She replied, ‘Yes, thank you. Also, please, Ava would explain certain things I want to be done specifically and in a different way. I hope this won’t be too much stress?’

I shook my head, even though I knew I wasn't going to enjoy the conversation with Ava. ‘It’s not going to be stressful. I will let you know my thoughts via email too. Is there anything else?’

‘No, that will be all. I really apologise for not showing up once again. My personal assistant messed up my schedule, and I am dealing with like three meetings at the same time. I will make up with you during our next meeting.’ 

I thanked her and cut the call. If Ava tried anything funny, I was going to ensure she faced the music. I couldn’t tell why I suddenly felt unsafe as I settled on the chair facing, but something told me to take a look around the room, and that was when I saw Dahila walking towards us.

 Dear heavens, could this day not get any crazier than this? Did I just walk into a trap? As if on cue, the text message Kyle sent to me suddenly popped up in my mind. I quickly sent a text to Kyle informing him about the setup and urging him to get here fast before they tried anything that would get them arrested. 

‘Hello, Tessa. It’s been five and a half years since we saw each other, each other, and honestly, I wasn’t expecting you to be this great.’ Dahila said, settling near me.’

I smiled widely, not missing her sarcasm. ‘Oh, spare me that, Dahila. You and I know that you aren’t pleased to see me. Ava, can I have the project plans?’

Ava smiled wickedly. ‘Yes, there you go.’ 

Before I could stop her, she took the papers and shredded them into pieces.

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