
Moving in

At Bright High School,

"You're late today," Natalie whispered softly as Avery took the seat beside her.

"I know," Avery said, still feeling the lingering effects of her sleepless night. "I couldn't fall asleep until this morning."

"Did he get back to you?" Natalie asked, concern etched on her face.

"Not yet," Avery replied, unzipping her backpack and pulling out her English textbook. "I kept checking my phone all night, but nothing."

The teacher caught her attention this time and shot her a threatening glare. "Avery Daniels, would you like to share with the class?" she announced.

Avery quickly shook her head, feeling a surge of embarrassment. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Hunt," she mumbled.

The rest of the class passed in a blur for Avery, her mind drifting back to Evan and the unanswered message on her phone. The bell finally rang, signaling the end of the school day, and Avery gathered her things with a sense of relief.

As they walked out of school, Natalie fell into step beside her. "He's a businessman, and I'm sure he'll get back to you," she said, trying to reassure Avery. "My mom told me he seemed very desperate about having a child, so I'm sure he won't go back on his words."

Avery nodded absently, still lost in thought. "Right, I noticed Max isn't in school today," she asked, trying to focus on something else.

Natalie raised an eyebrow, teasingly accusatory. "You're worried about him now?"

Avery smiled wryly and pulled out her phone, calling Max's number once again. But it went straight to voicemail, leaving her feeling anxious and uncertain.

"I just hope he's fine," she said softly under her breath.

Natalie fell into step beside her once more, this time suggesting they grab something to eat before heading their separate ways. 

As they walked towards the small wooden noodle soup shop just a couple of blocks away from their school, Natalie asked, "What would you like to have?"

"Beef noodle soup," Avery replied, pouting her lips as she caressed her cheek in boredom.

"Come on, cheer up," Natalie encouraged, and they went over to place their order. They were served with two large bowls of beef noodle soup and Avery's favorite strawberry drink.

Avery took a seat at the table, sipping her drink slowly as she began to eat her soup. Natalie sat down beside her, noticing Avery's distant expression.

"Hey, what's going on?" Natalie asked, concern etched on her face. "Is it, Mr. Benson, or is it because your crush didn't answer your call?"

Avery's eyes widened as she got up from her seat and placed her hand over Natalie's mouth. "Lower your voice; someone might hear you," she whispered urgently.

Natalie looked around the shop, noticing the familiar faces of their classmates, before leaning in closer. "Calm down! I didn't even mention his name, and I think it's time you let him know how you feel about him. Will you keep hiding under the shadow of being friends with him when you want more?"

Avery's eyes dropped as she felt a surge of fear mixed with longing. "I'm scared," she whispered. "What if he doesn't like me back? I don't want to ruin our two years of friendship."

Natalie leaned in closer, her voice taking on a conspiratorial tone. "I think you're right anyway. I don't think it's right you tell him, considering you, I'll be busy messing around with one of the hottest bachelors in Base  City." 

Avery's cheeks flushed as Natalie's words struck a chord within her. She felt a pang of disappointment, knowing she didn't stand a chance with Max.

Would he still be friends with her when he finds out about her pregnancy in the future?

Just then, Avery's phone began to ring, waking her from her gloomy thoughts. She checked the caller ID, and her heart skipped a beat as she saw Mr. . Bennett's name displayed prominently.

"It's him," Avery exclaimed, her voice trembling.

"Who?" Natalie asked, her eyes narrowing in confusion.

"Mr. Benson," Avery replied, feeling a shiver run down her spine.

Natalie urged her to pick up the phone, and Avery did as she had said.

"I'm outside your school," Mr. Benson's cold voice said into the phone before hanging up without waiting for a response.

"What did he say?" Natalie asked, concern etched on her face as she noticed Avery's pale expression.

Avery took another sip of her drink before speaking up. "He wants to see me."

Natalie pushed the bowl away, urging Avery to leave already. "Go already," she said softly.

She smiled weakly and planted a kiss on Natalie's cheek before taking off towards the school gates.


Evan leaned against the car seat, his brow furrowed as he waited for Avery's arrival. At that moment, he heard a knock on the window, and her little head poked into his window.

A smirk appeared on his lips, but it quickly vanished as he turned serious again. The tinted window rolled down, revealing Evan's cold face. 'Get in!' he commanded.

Avery hesitated before sliding into the car. As she settled into the seat, she waved nervously. 'Hi.'

Evan raised an eyebrow. 'Are you done for the day?'

Avery nodded hesitantly. 'Sir, I have something to discuss with you.'

Evan passed her a folder filled with agreement papers drafted by his lawyer. 'Take a look at this.'

Avery opened the folder and scanned the documents carefully. Her eyes widened as she came across a clause about getting pregnant through traditional means and then not touching each other until delivery.

She pulled out her pen from her backpack and signed her name on the dotted line before handing it back to Evan. 'I'll get you a copy of this as soon as possible.'

Evan raised an eyebrow. 'anything else?'

Avery shook her head, looking confused. 'I just wanted to know what time I should come over every day.'

Evan chuckled dryly. 'Time? You're moving in with me, kid.'

Avery batted her eyelashes innocently. 'I can't do that! My mom is all I have left, and she's sick in the hospital. Who will take care of her if I live with you?'

Evan's expression remained stoic. 'I've already arranged for a caretaker. No distractions or complaints during this agreement period.'

Avery nodded thoughtfully. 'What else?'

Evan leaned forward, his eyes cold. 'Considering you've already signed those papers, the contract has taken effect. Which means you're moving in with me today.'

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