
first night

Evan couldn't help but chuckle as he gazed at Avery, who had fallen asleep on their way to his place. Her small mouth was slightly open, and drool had formed on her thigh. Her backpack, still clutched tightly to her chest, held an empty bottle of strawberry drink. Evan took the bottle along with her backpack and hesitated as he opened it to find another empty bottle inside. He shook his head in disbelief and tossed both bottles aside.

"I guess I have to take you inside myself," Evan thought, carrying Avery out of the car in his arms.

He used the elevator to reach the top floor, where the housekeeper had prepared a room for Avery. Evan laid her gently on the bed, dropped her backpack beside her, and left for work.

By the time Avery opened her eyes, it was already dark outside. She was shocked to find herself in an unfamiliar room, surrounded by cream-colored walls and a round portable rug in front of a king-sized bed. The sheets were a light pink color, which made her wonder what kind of man would choose such a shade.

As she stood up, Avery's eyes traveled around the room, taking in the opulence. The walk-in closet caught her attention, and she slid open the door, revealing racks upon racks of luxury clothing and shelves piled high with feminine shoes and jewelry. Her jaw dropped in stunned silence.

"Wow!" she exclaimed, her voice barely above a whisper. "What is this place?" She murmured to herself, hesitant to get closer to the designer items that still had their tags attached.

Avery returned to sit on the bed, her phone already in hand. The realization dawned on her that it was past 7 p.m.—Evan could arrive at any moment now.

Her heart began to race as she thought about what lay ahead. Tonight would be her first night losing her virginity—a secret she had kept for her future husband—and she was losing it to a stranger she had only seen on TV a couple of times.

Janet, Natalie's mother, knocked on the door before pushing it open. "Avery! What are you doing here? Where is Monica?" she asked urgently. "You need to leave quickly; if Master sees you here, he'll be furious."

Avery hesitated before answering, "I guess he was the one who brought me here himself. We were in the car together, and then I fell asleep... and woke up here."

Janet's expression turned concerned. "What about Monica?" she asked, and Avery realized Natalie hadn't told her mother the truth yet.

"Aunty, actually, Monica and her boyfriend ran off with Mr. Benson's money he gave us, and I had no choice but to take her place," Avery said, her voice trembling slightly. "I need to pay for my mom's hospital bills."

Janet's face fell, filled with sympathy. "Oh dear! You're so young, Avery. You're friends with Natalie. Are you sure about this?" She paused, searching for alternatives. "We can find another way."

Avery smiled bitterly, her eyes clouding over. "Don't worry, Aunty. I'm sure I can handle this. I already signed the agreement, and even if there's a way to opt out of it, it would take years to come up with both Mr. Benson's money and my mom's hospital bills."

Janet wrapped her in a warm hug. "Oh dear!" She felt so bad for little Avery going through such tough times; after all, she had watched Natalie and Avery grow up together.

As they parted, Avery asked, "Aunty, what am I supposed to do?"

Janet handed her a bag filled with toiletries. "Just make sure you're thoroughly cleaned up and put this on before going to see him," she said, nodding toward another bag on the bed. "His room is next door; it's the only other room on this floor besides yours."

Avery nodded confidently, feeling a sense of resignation wash over her.


Evan unlocked his door and stepped into his room, running himself a bath. As he emerged with wet hair and a towel wrapped around his waist, he opened the bottle of wine he'd drunk the night before and poured himself a glass. He sat down, shutting his eyes as he took a sip. The sound of a knock on the door made his eyes snap open.

"Come in," he called out lazily.

Avery entered, her legs trembling with each step. She stopped 10 feet away from him, her eyes fixed on his face. Evan scanned her from head to toe, a growl creeping up his face as he took in her bathrobe-clad form.

"Come closer," he beckoned, his legs crossing over each other.

Avery took slow steps toward him until she was right in front of him. Evan sat up straight, his eyes locked on hers. "What are you wearing?" he asked, his voice low and husky.

"Bathrobe," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

Evan's eyes narrowed. "I have eyes, Avery. Tell me quickly why you're wearing that."

As Avery stood before Evan, she felt a surge of shame wash over her. Something about being caught off guard by Evan's sudden demand left her feeling exposed.

She slowly reached for the bathrobe's tie, her hands trembling as she untied it. The black Lacey lingerie underneath was given to her by Janet. Now, as Evan's gaze traveled from her neck to her breasts, Avery felt anything but confident.

Evan's expression remained impassive, but his eyes seemed to burn with an inner intensity as he pulled the bathrobe away from her. Avery placed a hand over her chest, feeling vulnerable as he gazed at her.

The lingerie was designed for easy access, with holes in the necessary parts. Avery felt a shiver run down her spine as Evan raised an eyebrow, his gaze lingering on her breast before moving downward.

"Take your hands off!" he growled, his voice low and commanding.

Avery reluctantly removed them, feeling a flutter in her chest as Evan's eyes roamed over her body. He seemed pleased with what he saw.

"Climb onto the bed and lie down straight," he ordered, his voice firm but controlled.

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