

Her reaction was quick and sharp.

She pushed him away as hard as she could and slapped him across his face.

She stared at him. No. They stared at each other for few seconds. Before she stormed off again. He went after her.

'I'm sorry.' He pleaded.

She stopped and turned. 'Are you fucking mad?'

'Look, I couldn't resist. I can't pretend you don't that to me anymore. You drive me crazy and-'

'Are you insane? Matteo, I have a fucking husband.'

'Fake husband ' He corrected. 'I fucking hate it when you call him your husband, babe '

'You are an imbecile!' Wendy shouted. 'How did I not fucking see this side of you?'

He dragged her to himself again. 'I am sorry. I just love you.' He tried kissing her again.

She snatched herself away from him and stared at him in disbelief. 'Now l am most certain that you have gone crazy. You've gone totally nuts. And I'm not staying here for this nonsense.'

'Please just hear me out. Please.'

'Hear what out? The nonsense you keep spewing?'

'I am in love wi
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