
CHAPTER 3 Contract Conundrum: Love Hurts





As my father walked out of my office, I settled into my chair.

“What deep sh*t did you get into? For your pops to come all the way here. Especially on a morning like this?” Zach asked, settling on the dark blue sofa in the left corner of the office.

Ever since I took over the business, my father hasn’t set foot in this building. When there is an issue—which there’s barely an issue since I have been handling the business properly—he calls me to his house. So I was quite surprised to see him here today.

“He came to remind me of the benefit of me and Lucy's relationship, more like to threaten me with what would happen if Lucy called off the engagement,” I finally replied.

Zach replied with a slight chuckle before commenting, “Every time I see your father, I’m glad I’m fatherless.”

Zach lost his father at a young age and was doted on by his mother as her only son, free to do as he pleased. I envied him. If I were him, I would have been with Binky.

“You know you could disown your father and live freely.” He added.

“And be poor?” I blurted out.

Well, for someone who had tried it, it didn’t end well. My father ensured I didn’t get a job, not even as a sales boy. By paying them to fire me. Even when I rented a place, he paid the landlord to kick me out. He did everything in his power to make my life miserable until I came back crawling like a prodigal son. He made it clear that as long as I’m William Wesley’s son, the only way to live this life is by his terms. Besides, if I’m poor, I would be of no help to my Binky.

“I’ve told you how to get out of your father’s claws, but you’re so bent on being the perfect son,” Zach stated.

“That’s a ludicrous plan. It won’t work.” I laughed.

Zach had come up with a plan to embezzle the company’s money under the guise of investing in a paper company.

“Even if I do succeed, unless I plan on living on Mars or another galaxy, he will find me out and make life more miserable.”

“What if you fake your death? We can make it look like suicide. Leave a suicide note saying you couldn’t live after losing that huge amount of money to a fake company. Everyone knows how hard you try to please your father. It would be very believable,” Zach suggested.

I swayed in my swivel chair. “My father knows I’m not stupid enough to fall for a fake company.”

“Nobody is perfect. You just need the perfect timing.” Zach reassured.

Continuing to sway the chair, I found his proposal rather enticing. After our brief discussion on my upcoming charity event, Zach rose from his seat, straightening his suit. "Consider it," he urged.

"About the plan to exploit my father's company?" I asked for clarification. "I'll give it some thought," I replied, noting his affirmation.

Zach departed, and I was left alone to ponder his proposition.


Later that afternoon, I walked into Brey event.

“Yeah, good morning.” I replied several times as I walked past the people before entering the office.

“Good morning, Mr. Wesley,” the woman greeted, standing up with a wide grin. She turned to her secretary. “Get Mr. Wesley his drink,” she ordered.

I’m a regular here at Brey Events, as they plan most of my events—from business functions to personal celebrations like birthdays.

“No need for that.” I settled into the seat across from her.

“You didn’t have to come all the way here; we could have sent someone,” the woman suggested.

That’s true. Silently, I cursed my stupidity. I had come here hoping to see my Binky. I could have requested they send her to me. But knowing how stubborn she is, she might refuse.

It’s been three days since the incident at the wedding, and not only has she been avoiding my calls and texts. She had also changed that password to the lock on our house.

I really needed to see her. The sight of another man dropping her off at our house still etched on my mind, leaving a sting of anger.

“How can we be of help to you?” she inquired, dragging me out of my reverie.

“I’m hosting a charity event,” I replied.

“Caroline is the best event planner we have avail—” she began.

“I want Aria Smith to be the event planner in charge,” I interrupted.

“But Ms. Smith was assigned to—” she started to explain. “Let me send for her,” she added, chuckling nervously.

As one of their top clients and investors, she didn’t want to provoke me. She picked up the telephone and requested for my Binky. A few moments later, she walked in. Her smile faded into a frown when she noticed me.

“Mr. Wesley personally requested for you to plan his charity event, so Jessie will handle Ms. Lorett’s wedding,” the woman informed my Binky.

“Yes, Ma’am,” she replied, forcing a smile before giving me a nasty stare.

I cringed at my Binky calling her Ma’am. If she were engaged to me, everyone would be calling her Ma’am. I should have ignored her when she refused my offer to start her own company. Adjusting my suit, I got up and followed her out of the office.


As we entered her office, “Have a seat,” my Binky said as she gestured.

“Demon,” Jessie called out, holding a file in her arms. “Are you here to trouble her again?”

“It’s Damon.” I corrected.

“He’s here as a client,” my Binky replied.

“Good luck,” Jessie said as she left the office.

“So, what’s your theme, and what colors would you like?” Binky asked me.

“Why have you been ignoring me?”

She rolled her eyes. “Would you like food or just drinks?” she pressed, as stubborn as usual.

“You didn’t get any of my messages?” I asked again.

“Is this why you are here?” She closed her jotter, furrowing her brows.

“Of course. I could have sent my P.A., but I came here myself and requested for you. And you think I came here to talk about themes and colors?”

“If you want my attention, you know what you have to do,” she replied.

“Have you forgotten about the contract?” I asked.

“No, Damon, I haven’t. The contract is to be a fake girlfriend not to be a mistress,” she replied. “So it's simple call of your engagement and I can continue being your fake girlfriend or you let me go.”

I wish it was that simple, to call of this engagement and be with my Binky. The moment I do this, not only would my father make me miserable, he would also come for her. I don’t want to drag my Binky into this mess. Especially with her mother in the hospital.

“I can see you have made your decision. Lucy it is.” She remarked, standing up from her seat. “Send your P.A to make things easier for us.”

As she was about to leave, I pinned her to the wall.

“Damon.” Her eyes widened. “This is my office, for heaven’s sake.”

“So you don’t miss me?” I asked, my fingers holding her chin. “You don’t miss being in my arms?” My fingers traced down to her lips, her big doe eyes staring into mine, causing my heart to race. Her breath grew heavier as I pressed gently but firmly with my body. “You don’t miss my cuddles?” I asked, separating her legs with mine.

Leaning in to taste her lips, she kneed me in a place so forbidden that I lost my breath as acute pain coursed through my lower abdomen. I clutched my balls as I collapsed to my knees.

“I am not your toy.” she stamped her foot before leaving the office.

I had to wait for the pain to subside before I could rise to my feet again.



As I slipped into my car, parked in the Brey Events lot, my phone rang. It was Lucy. I rolled my eyes and picked up.

“Why is Aria the one planning our event?” Lucy was shouting on the other end like a madwoman.

“First, it’s my event, and second, how did you find out?” My tone rose. I was still confused; it hadn’t even been an hour, and she had already heard the about it.

“Does that matter? Get her off it and put another planner,” Lucy demanded sternly, causing me to frown. The only one who can order me around is my father, and I won’t let anyone else do it.

“Listen to me, woman. Let me make myself clear. Never, ever talk to me in that tone. And I’m not getting her off anything,” I replied.

“Well then, that charity event is going to end in tears, and they definitely won't be mine.

“Is that a threat?” I questioned.

“Like someone would say, I’m just telling you the future.”

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