

The toy




It was a cool evening, casting a refreshing atmosphere. Elite members of society were seated at various tables scattered around the hall. The sound of chatter and the clinking of glasses mingled with the soft melody playing in the background, filling the room.

My legs were weak and tired as I had been moving up and down, ensuring everything was perfect.

This was the last place I wanted to be. A place with Damon, his fiancée, cameras, and without Jessie. It was a hell in disguise. One slip, one hint of drama—it would be splashed across every headline. Mrs. Johnson, my boss, had drilled into me to avoid any drama, especially after what had happened at my last job, where I got drunk and almost caused a scene. I was trying my utmost to avoid drama.

Turning to my left, I saw Logan. I had given him the contract as he was the best at his job. As I approached him, I suddenly stopped as I saw Lucy walking up to him and engaging him in a conversation. It seemed like they knew each other. How did someone as wealthy as she know a mere bartender? Logan whispered something, and she laughed—a sound that ignited a bitter taste in my mouth.

“Are you admiring her?”

I was startled by Damon’s voice.

“Why would I?” I snapped, “Aside from looking like a Barbie doll, there is nothing special about her.” I rolled my eyes.

“There is something on your nose; clean it.”

“What?” I wiped my nose, finding nothing.

“It’s jealousy,” Damon chuckled with a smirk on his lips, looking handsome in his black suit, his hair perfectly styled.

I pushed my thoughts—this isn’t the time or place to admire him. As I was about to walk out, Damon gripped me. My eyes danced between his eyes and his hand.

“Please, there are cameras everywhere; I don’t need this.” I yanked my hand free, my voice barely above a whisper.

“Is everything okay?” A soft, soothing voice asked.

I turned to face Lucy. Now she was inches away from me. This was the first time I was seeing her up close. Her presence was icy, like she had just stepped out of a freezer. Her blue eyes that matched the hue of her scarf on her neck sized me.

“You must be the event planner,” Lucy said, giving me the coldest stare I had ever seen.

The event planner—at least she didn’t call me his toy.

“Damon, Can I talk to you?” She turned to him, her smile forced and tense.

Damon smiled at me before walking away with Lucy.

Walking up to Logan, I greeted him with a casual, “Hey.”

“Hey, beauty,” he replied, flashing his captivating smile as he handed me a cocktail. “You need this; you’ve been all over the place.”

“Thank you,” I said, tucking my hair behind my ears before taking a sip. The drink introduced a chill into my mouth and then my throat as I savored its exquisite taste.

“Nice?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Of course.” I smiled. Clearing my throat, I asked, “How do you know Lucy?”

He stared at me blankly.

“The blonde lady you were talking to a few minutes ago,” I added.

“Oh, her? Never met her in my entire life,” he said with a chuckle.

“It seemed like you two knew each other,” I commented.

“We did?”

I nodded.

“I don’t know her, though. She came to compliment my drink. She had tasted it at her friend’s wedding, and it left a strong impression on her, blah blah,” he explained.

“Oh,” I said, remembering that she had been at that wedding.

“So, who is he to you?” Logan asked, nodding towards Damon, who was giving his speech on the podium.

“An ex,” I replied, the word heavy on my tongue.

“What are you doing tomorrow? Evening, to be precise,” Logan asked.

Tomorrow is Saturday, usually spent with Jessie. But Jessie can wait, right? ‘Ari, what’s wrong with you? Why would you turn down a hot guy to hang out with me? We can always hang out another Saturday,’ I imagined Jessie’s voice chiding me. She’s been urging me to move on from Damon, and Logan seemed like a perfect distraction—handsome, sweet, and kind.

“Nothing,” I replied, finally deciding.

“Would you like to watch a movie? Maybe dinner too?” he suggested.

“That would be nice,” I said, my cheeks flushing like a schoolgirl being asked out by her crush.

“I’ve got to get back to work. But here, this is for you,” Logan said, handing me a purple rose. “I heard purple is your favorite color,” he added.

Taking it, I inhaled its enchanting scent and marveled silently—he was not only handsome and sweet but also thoughtful.



Minutes into the event, Lucy approached me. "Aria, can I speak with you for a moment?" Lucy's voice was urgent.

"Sure," I replied, giving her my full attention.

"Not here," she whispered, glancing around the room. "There are cameras everywhere. What if someone hears us talking about Damon?"

I nodded, understanding the need for discretion. Following her lead, we stepped into another room, away from prying eyes and ears.

"What about Damon did you want to talk about?" I inquired, expecting her to ask me to stay away from him.

But Lucy's expression was different—almost mischievous. "I warned Damon to replace you with another event planner," she confessed, playing with her pearl necklace. "And now, I'm going to teach him a lesson."

I stood there, wondering what that had to do with me. Why am I here if she wants to teach him a lesson and not Damon?

My eyes grew wide as she ripped the necklace apart, the beads scattering across the floor with a sharp tinkling sound. She then proceeded to pour red wine over herself, staining her golden hair and her crisp white dress.

Before I could react, she began smashing plates and cups, the sound of shattering filling the room. Fear gripped me as she grabbed another bottle of wine, breaking it against the table and cutting her forehead with it.

"What are you doing?" I asked, my voice trembling.

Lucy's laughter filled the air, chilling me to the bone. "Teaching Damon a lesson," she replied, her eyes wild with madness.

Realizing her intentions, I rushed towards the door, but it was locked. She had trapped us in. My head raced with different thoughts as Lucy's behavior became increasingly erratic. The thoughts of people walking in. No one would believe me. Today there was suppose to be no drama

"What's gotten into you?" I demanded, gripping her arms to restrain her.

Breaking free, Lucy ran towards the door, banging on it. With a shrill voice, she cried out, “Help me!”

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