

He was walking all around me, sniffing and I knew it was time before he attacked since I was not one of his people and to him, I would be a threat. I rolled on the ground in all the pain I was in, standing up with my legs shaking as if to snap. The tears were streaming down, washing my face as I held out my hands showing that I meant no harm.

My head picked up, walking slowly in circles with him as he also circled around. His face was one morphed into nothing but confusion; dark and serious yet I could see that in a second, he would strike. Wolves did not like things they did not know and their first instinct was to kill and his instincts were kicking in.

“I mean no harm your highness please.  My name is Raven, I am no threat, I am just a girl that is running away from an undesired life. On the third day of the birth of the alpha and luna’s twins someone stole one twin and left me instead. I am not a werewolf, I don’t know what I am, no one knows but I would never hurt anyone, I am not dangerous, I am just a girl. Please your highness.” I begged, fumbling all the words once, not even sure what more I could do to stop him from attacking me. I don’t even know if he heard me with how fast I was talking, my breaths harsh and loud, barely even hearing myself. I watched his face turn a shade darker, frowning as he chewed on my words before he took a step towards me.

I took one back, seeing no option than to run. He was not buying it, he was attacking. I turned, running just as strong arms came around my waist.

My fists went all around, knocking something on him but he was not barging. I fought with all I had, kicking and punching sure I would die for what I was doing; attacking a royal but what more could I do. Even he seemed shocked really, his arms loosening in his disbelief. I did not wait to be told twice. I threw one kick and jumped off running like never before.

I was flying through the air but it did not help with him gripping me by both arms, my back on him as he picked me up in the air. I kicked and screamed as he walked away as if I weighed nothing, as if I was a rag doll.

He threw my body over his soldier in one swift with my head looking upside down.

The tears rolled down my eyes with my body shaking, knowing there was no way out from there. Alpha Greyhemm would tell them to kill me after the stunt I pulled and I would be dead just like that. It was all over, my life was over. I cried harder, literally crying hard and loud for my life, for all my misfortune. I cried until I was just hiccupping, done with everything. I did not care, maybe death was better, maybe I would be better off.

My sob fell away with sniffles and sighs now and again, raw in every way. I was done, seriously I was done.

We broke through the forest after some time, the distance I had ran grand. I had been so near to the boarder. If not for the stupid king I would be free but maybe just maybe it was better I die now than later while being chewed by some scary animal or rogues.

The grass was green, feeling the tears come again as they burned my eyes.

I shook my head thinking I had accepted my fate but I guess not, it was too painful for me to accept.

Just like that I would die not knowing where I came from, I would die not knowing if there had been anyone that had been searching for me just like the Greyhemm’s searched for their missing daughter for years on years.

The tears streamed with no sound coming from me, hearing the gasps knowing we had reached the whole pack. I did not care, I just wanted it all to end at that point, I did not care anymore.

My body was placed down, sitting as I quickly pulled my legs to cross under me with my head bowed. I did not even want to look up to see the shook and hatred in everyone’s eyes. I had ruined their day; it was supposed to be about them and there I was crushing on their happiness.

“Of course, it’s her, of course its you Raven!” Elissa spoke out hearing the anger in her voice sure if the king was not there, she would drag me by my hair until I begged for forgiveness. I was shaking, just wanting them to end it all, just wanting them to finish it all for me. I could not bare through all the hate, all through the abuse. I was done, throwing the towel and just done.

My body rocked back and forth, my eyes closed as the tears dried on my cheeks, numb, totally numb. The world was closed away from me, seeing nothing but darkness before my eyes. It brought some peace on me, all the pain whisked away leaving nothing but peace as the darkness swirled all before my closed eyes.

“Raven! What is this?” I knew who it was, my eyes flickering wide open not able to resist the edge to stare at the alpha with his voice near the edge sure if he did not have an audience, he would have showered me a side of him I had not seen yet.

My head tipped up to stare at him not sure what I was feeling. I looked up to him as my father even though he was not, even though he never acknowledged me at all. Somehow a part of me had attached to him from a very young age. I had tried to please when I was younger, tried to be the best at everything so he would look at me even once but with the years ticking away I took it that he wanted nothing to do with me, that he was not interested in even knowing me. He lost a child because of me and they all cursed me for it.

I stared at him for the longest time as he stared back at me with such hate. It broke my heart but I swallowed and looked away with my head bowed. There was nothing left there for me.

“What is the meaning of this? I am sorry your majesty, she…..she is no one, she was left in the pack as a baby when my daughter was taken.” The alpha explained, sure he did not want the king to think he was hiding a possible threat that could harm him.

“What is she?” The voice was low and it left my bones cold, left me pale where I was yet somehow I knew it was not the king himself asking, it was one of his guards.

“We don’t know, as far as we know she is not a werewolf, she has no abilities and the only thing she can do better than most of the pack members is run.” The alpha explained with everyone else silence. I felt someone walk all around me. Large bare feet walking all around me until they stopped.

“Do your females train?” The man asked again with me frowning as if any of it was my business but the king was not talking, just his men.

The alpha hesitated, hearing a sound pulling from his mouth before he closed it and did it again.

“No your excellence.” Alpha Greyhemm said and just from that answer I heard some movement from my left. I looked up; the king turned away with all the other men he came with circling all around him as they walked away in long fast strides.

My heart stopped beating not even sure why. Why was he leaving? He had not picked; he had not even said a single thing.

I stared up, all eyes at the departing party with wide eyes probably wondering what was happening as well.

The man who had been asking questions stayed back, still next to me. The next thing I knew, my body was picked up with it flung over the man’s shoulder. I was too shocked to even fight, shocked on what was happening. My eyes were wide, not even able to stare at the pack on what was happening.

“You should.” The man said with his voice harsh and commanding, sending chills down my own body. He turned and walked away with me over his shoulder, wide eyed on what was happening. I tried to look up to the pack to see what was happening but I could not, my head pounding with nothing but pain as my blood ran straight down with my veins full. My face turned red, heaving where I was, watching his ass and legs move not sure what to do with the outcome. Did they take me to kill me in the forest, did they want to hurt me until I gave out what I was.

I did not know but at that point I was too tired to care, I just let it all be. Whether I fought and screamed they would take me and no one, no one would save me for I was alone in the world.

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