


There was desire on my left and desire on my right. Like squabbling seagulls, the two argued in front of me until I could not take it anymore. They were lambasting one another, and if this didn't stop, I worried that a fight might break out.

“You purposely did this!” Hudson accused, releasing his deadly aura. “You sick twisted hag!”

“Don’t be ridiculous!” Silva returned, “I warned you not to mess with the fates.”

“So you chose to stab me in my fucking back!” He took up a chair and disassembled it with his hands as his fury soared.

“It was your choice to reject her,” Silva did not back down and retorted, “Do not blame it on me!”

“Enough!” I exclaimed. This bickering was giving me a headache and if this continued, they were sure to be at each other's throats. All of their feelings shackled me, sending me into a whirlpool of drowning emotions.

Instant silence fell in the atmosphere. A constricting tension lingered in the depths of their writhing anger. Keke and I w
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