
Best things that ever happen

He smile and stood up to me, he stood in front of me and puffs out the smoke of his cigarette into my face, he sits beside me and places his hand on my lap.

I moved a bit and slowly place my hand in his hand, I wanted to yank off his hand and he gripped my leg so tight.

He turn his face to me and was going to place his lips on my nape and tilt my head sideways.

“ I like you and I want to eat you up right now” he said.

I open my eyes wide and try to sit up, he lean his body over and he trap me in between his hand.

“ Wh...wha....t are you trying to do? I asked stammering.

“ What do you think I am trying to do? He said.

“ This isn’t part of the deal” I said.

“ What do you think was the part of the deal honey? He asked.

“I am not your honey? I said.

“ Really? He asked.

“ Yes! I don’t do thugs like you? I said firmly.

“ Uhm, I am a thug yet you came to me for help, for saying you don’t do thugs like me, I am going to have you for as long as I want” he said and began to caress my body.

I t
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