
Chapter 2


We arrived at the packhouse, and the first thing my eyes looked for was Mindy. But I didn’t see her or any other females around, and I was directly ushered to a room on the second floor. 

I knew Xander would never bring me to his room, but I was still disappointed that he didn’t. He didn’t stay with me, not even for a while. He just opened the door, and once I was inside, he left right away.

I had been walking back and forth, contemplating whether I should go down and introduce myself to anyone I would meet and, at the same time, try to find out who Mindy was when I smelled Xander. And then a knock came on my door. 

Even if I didn’t want to, my body jerked up, and a smile curled on my lips. I couldn't deny that I was excited to see him again.  

“Hi!” I greeted him as soon as I opened the door. My shoulders relaxed when I saw him alone. 

“Can I come in?” He asked. His deep, baritone voice sent shivers down my spine. 

I didn’t reply, but I opened the door wider. He stepped in and waited for me to close it before he spoke again. 

“Are you okay with this room?” He asked. His voice and expression were different from the ones he used at the border and in the car. “I can take you to another room if this one is too small or the color is not to your liking. However, this room is just next to mine.”

“I’m okay here,” I replied, still smiling at him. 

I wanted to glare at myself for acting like a lovesick female, but I couldn’t help myself. Xander was really good-looking, and those muscled biceps were making me weak. I was sure those arms could make me feel safe. 

“Good. I just came here to say I need to leave the packhouse and to remind you not to open the door to anyone, even if it’s the Alpha.”

“Am I not supposed to meet Mindy?”

“What?” He looked surprised by my question.

“Because I’m not allowed to go out or even open the door. I’m assuming it’s because I’m not allowed to bump into her.” There. I finally said it. 

“Whatever you have in mind, throw it away. Don’t believe Maddox. My brother knows how to offend everyone, especially me.”

“So, she’s not your chosen mate?” I just wanted an answer.

“No.” He answered curtly. “I’ll go get something for you to eat. Do you have any requests?” 

I shook my head. 

“Okay. I’ll bring your food back here so you don’t have to go down when you’re hungry. And then I’ll go.”

“Are we not going to talk?” I finally asked. I didn’t like that he was leaving when I would go into heat soon. 

“What do you want to talk about?”

“Us. I will go into heat soon.”

“I know…”

“I’m excited, Xander…” I bit my bottom lip. I was not able to stop myself from blurting it out. And I was sure my cheeks were starting to tint red.

“Are you?” A smile finally crawled on his lips, and it made my pussy throb. Hard. 

I nodded before I swallowed. “Are you not excited?” I asked in a soft voice.

Xander grabbed my hand and placed it over his front, making my body jerk. I felt his erection, and it was getting harder.

“I must help with the pups shifting. I will just see them shift, but I won’t join the run. After that, I’m all yours…” His voice came out raspy, and his eyes were hypnotizing me.

I nodded my head, and before I could stop myself, I already squeezed his shaft.

“Nadine…” He grunted.

“Sorry…” I tried to pull my hand in embarrassment at my action, but he wasn’t letting go. If anything, my action only made his cock swell more. 

“Are you really sorry for doing that?” He asked as a smug smirk tugged on his mouth. He was already handsome with a stoic expression on his face, but with a smug smirk on it, he was deadly gorgeous.

I shook my head. 

“I didn’t know I was given a naughty mate. I like that…” His eyes dilated, and the way he was staring at me made heat rise from my stomach.

I couldn’t help the wide smile that curled on my lips. And I swear, my eyes might be twinkling. I liked this part of Xander. 

“You’re beautiful… Especially when you smile like that.” He let go of my hand, and I slowly lowered mine, even if I didn’t want it away from his cock. Because, as crazy as it might be, it was my only proof that this man was also attracted to me. 

Xander cupped my chin and let his thumb brush against my skin. My lashes fluttered, and I couldn’t help but close my eyes as I reveled in his touch. The sparks and his addicting smell were making me and my wolf lose control. 

Beta Xander would be the death of me. 

“We’ll talk later. I will do my best to explain everything.” His voice snapped me out of my reverie and made me open my eyes. 

He was still looking at me, his knuckles continuously brushing against my skin. 


“I have to go.” This time, his voice sounded throaty.

I parted my lips, ready to ask him to stay for five more minutes, but my words got stuck in my throat when his thumb brushed against my bottom lip. His mouth parted as he watched his thumb move before he slowly pushed it inside my mouth. 

I moaned before closing my lips around his thumb. A growl reverberated from his chest as I began sucking, and my hands flew to his chest, clutching his shirt as I pressed our bodies closer together. 

“Harder…” He grunted as his arm coiled around my body, and his hand landed on my ass.

The fire was starting to ignite in my stomach, and it was spreading all over my body. 

I closed my eyes and sucked his thumb harder, but then he slowly pulled it away from my mouth. I whimpered while opening my eyes, only to see his face closing in. 

My heart skipped a beat, and the moment his lips brushed over mine, I felt a wave of warmth envelope me. 

My arms coiled around his neck as his hand gripped my waist. His kisses started gentle and soft until they became aggressive, devouring every corner of my lips until his tongue forced his way inside my mouth. And I just let him in. 

The taste of him — it silenced every thought in my head and made me want him more.

A sultry moan escaped my throat when I felt my body being lifted and my back landing on the soft mattress. Xander was kissing me bruisingly hard, and the grunts coming from his throat let me know how hungry he was for me. His actions were building my confidence. He wanted me as much as I wanted him. 

“I want you…” I mumbled. My hands went to his hair the moment his lips left mine and trailed down my throat.

“Damn, Nadine… I can smell your arousal…” He groaned as he pressed his bulging erection against my front.

Comments (7)
goodnovel comment avatar
Martha Kirkpatrick
Love it! Off to a “hot” start. He sounds really handsome ...️
goodnovel comment avatar
Karina Vazquez
I hope he doesn’t leave her hot and bothered before leaving to see “the pups shifting” for her to go into heat without him.
goodnovel comment avatar
dammmm, these two hot bloody wolves/humans. I love it

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