
42. Wolfsbane.


All Eli saw was red and she wanted to rip Britney apart limb from limb.

With a slight leap, I lunged at her aiming for her neck as she stood frozen, her eyes widening from shock and her heart was racing erratically.

Scared now? Good. My wolf preyed on fear…

I was ready to sink my canine teeth in her neck and rip her throat out when a figure stood in front of me in a flash and I sank my teeth into his neck instead.

From the tingles and sparks, I knew it was James but he didn’t struggle. Instead he ran his hands behind Eli’s ears and she purred.

“It’s okay, I’m here now..” he said soothingly. “Give back Chloe control, we are in public,” he whispered and she immediately obliged.

I shifted back but my canines were still embedded in his neck, I retracted them and unconsciously licked the wound..

Fuck, this was the second mark I had given James.

I’ll be damned.

He quickly took off his checked shirt and wrapped it around me but I suddenly had a dizzy spell, the after effects of
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Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Jen S
Love this book. Really hope James pulls his head out of his ass w keeping secrets. How often are the updates 3.25.24

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