
FOUR: Cutting Ties

Lila stood in her room, packing her belongings into a worn suitcase. This room had once been a place of comfort, but now it was no longer hers. The divorce papers were signed, and her time in this house was coming to an end.

Annabelle was beside her, helping to fold clothes and pack items. She moved with quiet efficiency, but her face was covered in sorrow and guilt.

“Lila, I’m so sorry,” Annabelle said, her voice trembling slightly. “I should have done more to stop James from falling for Rachel’s scheme. I should have made him see the truth.”

Lila paused and placed a hand on Annabelle’s arm. “Annabelle, you did everything you could. You believed me when no one else did. That’s more than enough.” She sighed. “James made his choice, and Rachel played her cards well. There was nothing more you could have done.”

Annabelle shook her head, tears brimming in her eyes. “It’s so unfair. You’ve always been good to James. I can’t believe he’s letting Rachel manipulate him like this.”

Lila sighed, looking around the room that had been her sanctuary during the worst days of her life. “Rachel is very skilled at getting what she wants. She knew exactly how to push James’s buttons, especially with the pregnancy. It’s a tragedy that she lost the baby, but she used that loss to her advantage, and now I’m the one paying the price.” Her gaze drifted towards the window, each object in her room a painful reminder of the life she was being forced to leave behind.

Annabelle nodded, her face tight with anger. “She’s a monster, and I still can’t believe my parents and James bought every word she said. It’s infuriating.”

As if summoned by their conversation, Rachel appeared in the doorway. She leaned against the frame, a smug smile playing on her lips.

“Well, well,” Rachel purred, her eyes full of glee. “Look at you, Lila. Packing your bags, finally leaving. My baby did end up sending you away, just as I predicted.”

Lila stiffened, her hands clenching into fists. “Rachel. I have nothing to say to you.”

Annabelle stepped forward, her eyes blazing. “How dare you show your face here? You’ve done enough damage, don’t you think? You’re not fit to be a mother.”

Rachel shrugged. “I can always make another baby.”

Annabelle’s expression hardened. “Get out, Rachel. You’re not welcome here.”

The mistress smirked and turned to leave. “Enjoy your new life, Lila. Wherever that may be.”

As she sauntered away, Annabelle closed the door firmly behind her. She turned to Lila, her face flushed with anger. “I’m so sorry you had to endure that.”

Lila could feel nothing but numbness. She shook her head, a choked sob escaping her lips. “She’s just trying to get under our skin. Let her gloat. It doesn’t change anything.” She sank to the bed, burying her face in her hands. Tears streamed down her face, a mixture of grief and indignation.

Annabelle stood beside her, offering a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Let it out, Lila,” she murmured gently.

As Lila’s sobs subsided, a new wave of anger washed over her. “That pittance James offered as alimony,” she choked out, “it’s barely enough to survive on.”

Annabelle sat on the edge of the bed, her expression softening. “Lila, I need to ask – how much did James give you as alimony?”

Lila hesitated, then mentioned the paltry sum James had allocated for her in the divorce documents. Annabelle’s eyes widened in disbelief.

“That’s it?” Annabelle exclaimed. “That’s not nearly enough to support you.”

“It’s more than I expected, given how angry he was,” Lila said, trying to sound brave. “I’ll manage somehow.”

Her sister-in-law shook her head vehemently. “No, Lila. This isn’t right. You’ve been a part of this family for years. You deserve better.” She lost her voice for a moment. “That's outrageous! He’s trying to punish you on top of everything else.”

Lila let out a humorless laugh. “Seems that’s the plan.” She reached out and placed a hand on Annabelle’s knee. “You’ve done enough, Annabelle. Your support means the world to me. I can’t ask for more.”

But Annabelle wasn’t having it. She was already standing, a determined look on her face. A steely glint entered her eyes. “You don’t have to ask. I’m going to make sure you have what you need.”

Lila watched in surprise as Annabelle walked to her own room and returned with a checkbook. She sat at the small desk, writing a figure that made Lila’s eyes widen in shock.

“Annabelle, you can’t be serious,” Lila protested, seeing the outrageous amount Annabelle had written. “This is too much. I can’t accept it.”

Annabelle tore the check from the book and held it out to Lila. “You deserve this, and more. Think of it as a start, a way to rebuild your life. Please, take it.”

Lila took the check with trembling hands, her hands filling with tears. “I don’t know how to thank you.”

Annabelle smiled through her unshed tears. “You don’t have to thank me. Just promise me you’ll use this to build a new life, one where you’ll be happy.”

Lila pulled her into a tight embrace. “I promise. Thank you, Annabelle. For everything. As they hugged, Lila felt a strength she hadn’t felt in a long time. Annabelle had given her more than just financial support; she had given her hope.

When the last bag was packed, Annabelle called for some servants to help carry Lila’s luggage to the car. She stood by the foyer with Lila, looking at each other with a mixture of sadness and determination.

“Remember, you’re not alone,” Annabelle said, squeezing Lila’s hand. “If you ever need anything, I’m just a phone call away.”

Lila nodded, battling to keep her tears from falling again. She looked up at the house that had been her home for these past few years. Her mother-in-law, Jennifer was watching her from the second floor and when she saw Lila had noticed her, she quickly turned away and closed her window. It was funny, how Annabelle was the only member of this horrible family giving her the bare minimum of respect. And when she was gone, they would all devote themselves to Rachel as if Lila had never been there.

She looked at Annabelle again. “I know. Thank you, Annabelle. You’ve been my rock through all of this.”

With a final hug, Lila got into her car, the only thing of worth she owned that James had no control over. As she drove away from the house that had once been her home, a small hysterical giggle escaped her, full of the chaos burning inside her.

Just a week ago, she had been Lila Robinson, daughter-in-law of the prestigious Robinson family. And now? Now, she was back to being a nobody.

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