
THREE: Betrayal Unveiled

Lila sank to the cold, unforgiving floor, her body shaking with sobs. She felt utterly alone, trapped in a nightmare she could not escape from. The silence surrounding her increased her fear. She could not understand why this was happening. Had James ordered this? Did he really believe she had tried to kill Rachel?

A single flickering bulb above her cast an unsettling glow, highlighting the dust particles dancing in the stale air.

Lila’s mind raced with possibilities, each more terrifying that the last. What if Rachel lost the baby and blamed her? What if James divorced her and left her with nothing? The future stretched out before her, bleak and uncertain.

She thought of Annabelle, the only person who believed in her innocence. Annabelle would fight for her, she had to. But would her quiet, gentle sister-in-law be able to stand up to the powerful forces standing against Lila? The doubt ate at her, threatening to overwhelm the small hope Annabelle’s support had given her.

Lila hugged her knees to her chest, rocking back and forth. Trapped and alone, Lila’s heart hammered against her ribs. The air grew thick with dread. She was in there for many hours before the door opened. Her heart jumped in her throat at the thought of seeing those intimidating guards again, but it was only Annabelle.

Lila jumped to her feet and embraced her sister-in-law at once. As she clung to Annabelle, she felt a rush of relief wash over her.

Annabelle pulled back slightly, looking Lila in the eyes. “I’m so sorry, Lila. I won’t let them treat you this way. You deserve better.”

Lila nodded, wiping away her tears. “Why would they lock me up like this? Why would they believe her over me?”

Annabelle’s face darkened. “Rachel has manipulated them, most of all James. The thought of having a child to carry on the family name has all of them wrapped around her little finger. She’s always been a master at turning situations to her advantage.”

Lila shivered at the thought. “What if James believes her? What if he thinks I actually pushed her?”

Annabelle squeezed her hand. “James may be angry and confused right now, but deep down, he knows you. I don’t believe he truly thinks you could hurt someone, especially not like this.”

The sound of approaching footsteps made them both tense, but luckily the footsteps faded away after a minute. “I have to go now,” Annabelle said with a sense of urgency. “Father doesn’t know I came to see you.”

Even though it broke her heart, Lila nodded, and let go of Annabelle’s hand. She had done so much to help Lila, much more than her own husband. But even as Annabelle cautiously stepped out of the room and closed the door behind her, Lila couldn’t help but worry all over again.

Lila’s days in the small, undecorated room blended together in a haze of anxiety and solitude. Her only contact with the outside world was the maids who brought her meals and water. The food was bland and unappetizing, a far cry from the rich dishes she was used to. Gone were the delectable meals she was accustomed to. Each day felt like eternity, especially with the uncertainty eating at her. The silence stretched, broken only by the rhythmic creak of the house settling and the distant murmur of voices that sent shivers down Lila’s spine.

On the fourth day, Lila’s ears pricked up at the sound of footsteps approaching her door. A sliver of hime, fragile as a spider’s web, broke through the oppressive silence. Her heart raced as the lock clicked and the heavy oak door swung open. It was James and his face was nothing but cold anger. Inside her, relief battled with dread.

“James,” she breathed, rising to her feet. “I’ve been so worried. What’s happening?”

Her husband stood rigid, her eyes dark and unreadable. His eyes were devoid of the love that used to reside there. “Rachel lost the baby,” he said, his voice controlled but seething with suppressed emotion.

Lila felt the blood drain from her face. “Oh my God,” she whispered, her hands trembling. The air whooshed through her lungs, leaving her grasping for breath. Grief, sharp and unexpected, pierced through her already frayed defenses. “I’m so sorry. But James, you have to believe me. I didn’t push her.”

James’s jaw tightened. “It doesn’t matter what you say, Lila. The fact is, Rachel is no longer pregnant, and I blame you for that.”

Lila’s knees buckled, but she refused to let herself fall. “You have to believe me James. I would never do something like that. She did it to herself.”

His gaze remained cold. “Rachel was pregnant with my child, Lila. She would never risk her life and the baby’s just to frame you. I know her.”

Despite her fear, she exploded. “And you know me! Think about this rationally for a moment. I would never do something like this. Rachel wants you to leave me, and this baby was her key.”

He took a deep breath, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides. “I can’t bear to look at you, let alone live with you,” he said, his voice colder than she had ever heard it. He pulled a set of papers from his jacket and threw them in front of her. “These are divorce papers. I want you to sign them.”

Lila stared at the pristine documents, her vision blurring with tears. “Divorce? But James, we’ve been through so much together. You can’t just throw it all away.”

James’s eyes blazed with fury. “You get nothing. No assets, and only a pittance of alimony – enough to survive, not to thrive. I won’t fund your lifestyle, not after what you’ve done. You murdered my child. You don’t deserve the life you had.”

Lila shook her head, tears streaming down her face. His words were a fresh wave of betrayal, each syllable dripping with contempt. “James, you can’t do this. You know I didn’t do it.”

His expression hardened. “Sign the papers, Lila. You sign these papers, or you don’t leave this room at all.”

Her hands trembled as she picked up the papers, her eyes scanning the cold, impersonal legal language that marked the end of her marriage. She felt a sharp pain in her chest, as if her heart were being ripped from her body.

“James,” she pleaded, looking up at him with tear-filled eyes. “We can work through this. We can go to counselling, we can—”

“No, Lila,” he interrupted, his voice unyielding. “We’re done. I never want to see your face again.”

The finality of his words hit her like a physical blow. She had known their marriage was in trouble, but she had never imagined that it would end like this, with such cold brutality. She had loved James deeply, had built her life around him.

And now he had thrown her away. The room began to spin. The accusations, the cold fury in his eyes, it was too much to bear. Lila slumped against the walk, choking on her grief and disbelief. James didn’t spare her another glance. He collected the papers, tucking them into his jacket, and stormed out, leaving Lila to pick up the pieces of her shattered life.

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