
TWO: Walls Closing In

Gasps and murmurs rippled through the crowd. Lila’s mouth dropped open in shock. “That’s not true!” she cried, her voice rising. “She fell on purpose!”

James’ face contorted with fury. “How could you, Lila?!” he shouted. “She’s pregnant! With MY baby!”

Her vision blurred with tears. “James, I swear, I didn’t push her. She did this to herself. She’s lying!”

Before James could respond, his father, David Robinson, stepped forward. His commanding presence silenced the room. “Enough!” he barked. “Someone call for an ambulance now.”

The room became a blur of movement and noise. Lila felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see James’ mother, Jennifer, looking at her with a mixture of pity and accusation. “Lila, dear, why don’t you come with me?” The words were said gently but firmly.

As Jennifer led her away, Lila looked back to see James cradling Rachel, his face speaking of his anguish. The betrayal cut deep, sharper than any knife. In that moment, Lila realized that her marriage, which had already been teetering on the edge, had just been pushed into the abyss. Jennifer guided her into a small sitting room, away from the chaos. “Sit down, Lila,” she said softly. “You need to stay calm.”

Lila collapsed onto the sofa, burying her face in her hands. “I didn’t push her,” she repeated, her voice muffled by her hands. “You have to believe me.”

Margaret sighed, sitting down beside her. “I want to believe you, Lila. But Rachel is carrying James’ child. This changes everything.”

Lila lifted her head, her eyes red and swollen. “I know. But she did it on purpose, Margaret. She isn’t content just being James’ mistress. She wants to destroy my marriage.”

Margaret’s expression softened, but there was doubt in her eyes. “Lila, dear, sometimes people do desperate things. We can’t always understand their reasons. But right now, the priority is making sure Rachel and the baby are safe.”

Lila nodded numbly, the weight of the morning pressing down on her. She felt trapped, suffocated by the lies and deceit. There was a knock on the door, and a server poked his head in.

“Madam,” he said, looking at Margaret, “your attention is needed urgently.”

Margaret nodded, failing to hide her relief at being needed somewhere else. With a brief, comforting pat to Lila’s back, she followed the server out. The distant sound of sirens approached and Lila closed her eyes, trying to block out the noise and the pain. She had fought so hard to save her marriage, but now it seemed like a losing battle.

She sat on the plush sofa, her head in her hands, trying to suppress the sobs threatening to escape. Margaret had left her alone in the small sitting room, and the silence was pressing in on her from all sides. The events of the morning replayed in her mind like a twisted film, each scene more horrifying than the last.

The door creaked open, and Lila looked up, expecting Margaret or maybe even James. Instead, it was Annabelle, James’s twin sister. Unlike her charismatic and domineering brother, Annabelle was quiet and unassuming, preferring the background to the spotlight.

“Lila,” Annabelle said softly, her eyes full of concern as she approached. “I came as soon as I heard. Are you alright?”

Lila shook her head, fresh tears spilling down her cheeks. “No, Annabelle, I’m not. They think I pushed her. James thinks I pushed her.”

Annabelle sat beside her, taking Lila’s hands in hers. Her gentle touch and oft words were a balm to Lila’s frizzled nerves. “I don’t believe it for a second,” she said firmly. “I know you, and I know you would never do something like that.”

Lila looked up, surprise mingling with her despair. “You believe me?”

Her sister-in-law nodded. “Absolutely. I went to high school with Rachel, remember? She was always a mean girl, the type who thrived on making others miserable. Always causing drama and hurting others. She’s more than capable of framing you for something she did herself. It’s exactly something she would do.”

Lila felt a flicker of hope at Annabelle’s words. “Thank you,” she whispered. “I needed to hear that. Just knowing someone believes me makes a difference.”

Annabelle squeezed her hands. “You don’t deserve this, Lila. You’re a good person, and anyone who knows you should see that. “We’ll get through this, I promise.”

She nodded, feeling a bit of the crushing weight lift from her shoulders. “Thank you, Annabelle. I really appreciate you.”

Annabelle gave her a small smile. “Why don’t we get you some water? You must be parched after everything that’s happened.”

To her surprise, Lila found she was indeed parched, and her throat was dry. She nodded gratefully. “That sounds good.”

Annabelle stood and went to the door, calling for a maid. When the maid arrived, she instructed her to bring some water. The maid nodded and disappeared down the hall.

Lila and Annabelle waited in silence and the ticking of a nearby clock was the only sound in the room. Lila closed her eyes, trying to center herself, to calm the storm of emotions swirling inside her. But when the door opened again, it wasn’t the maid with water.

Two security guards entered the room, their expressions stern. Lila’s heart skipped a beat as they approached her, ignoring Annabelle’s questioning look.

“What’s going on?” Annabelle demanded, stepping in front of Lila protectively.

One of the guards spoke, his voice cold and authoritative. “We have orders to escort Mrs. Robinson to a secure room.”

Annabelle’s eyes widened. “This is ridiculous! She didn’t do anything wrong. You can’t just drag her away like this.”

But the guards were unmoved. They roughly dragged Lila by the arms, pulling her to her feet. Lila struggled, her voice rising in panic. “No! Please, I didn’t do anything! Annabelle, help me!”

Annabelle tried to intervene, but one of the guards pushed her back. “Stay out of this, ma’am,” he warned sharply. “We have our orders.”

Lila flinched as their iron grip tightened around her arm. She was dragged out of the room, Annabelle’s protests ringing in her ears. Confused protests died in her throat as they manhandled her out of the opulent room. The guards led her down a series of hallways, each step increasing her terror. She was taken to a small undecorated room at the far end of the east wing of the house, one she had never seen before. Their stony expressions held no sympathy, only ruthless efficiency. The room was stark and cold, with nothing but bare walls and a single locked door. It was devoid of decoration, very unlike the room she had just been removed from. Why was this happening? Why was she being treated like a prisoner?

Where was James? Why hadn’t he stopped them?

The guards shoved her inside and slammed the heavy oak door shut. The sound of the lock turning echoed in the small space. Lile stumbled forward, catching herself against the wall. She turned and banged on the door, her fists bruising against the hard surface. Terror crept up her spine as she realized she was at the mercy of James’ family. And Rachel. What did they plan to do to her? A horrifying thought slithered into her mind. What if Rachel’s accusation were a carefully orchestrated scheme to get rid of Lila?

“Let me out! Please, let me out!” Her screams sounded like that of a mad woman, even to her ears.

There was no response, and as the minutes ticked by, Lila’s fear grew.

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