

Raven's Point of View

Zeb was correct.

Lexi and Neri, my friends, did not come to pick me up. It's no longer surprising to me. They promised themselves, especially Lexi, that they would not enter that place. More likely, a junkyard where all the old cars were dumped.

"I love you, thank you for the ride; sorry, I know you don't feel good about it, but you can get out of your car and talk to my friends; I want them to know you drove me here and you are responsible enough," I said to alleviate disappointment.

I thanked God because he did. At the very least, I know he's not mad at me.

"Hello girls.. sorry for being late, I just had to drop by at -"

"At Zebastian's old car shop?" she asked, her smile wicked.

"Lexi, shut up!" Neri attempted to silence Lexi.

Zeb pretended he hadn't heard anything.

"Hello, Zeb. Thank you for bringing Raven here. Lexi was just too lazy to drive a car, so we'll have to wait here," Neri explained.

"It's my pleasure, Neri. Anyway, I won't be long. I have more things to do in the shop, and I just came to make sure Raven is safe." Zeb said, kissing me.

Lexi was clearly irritated by Zeb's actions. While I've seen Neri's eyes light up,

When Zeb is not with us,

"Could you please spray some alcohol in here, Raven? I don't want to get sick or anything; we're looking for work, and we need to look healthy at all times," Lexi asked, crossing her eyes.

"That's a bit much, Lexi; Zeb isn't a virus; he was just..."

"He is working in an old shop, okay, a car shop owned by his father; do you really think that is enough reason for you to just stick with him?" "Come on, Raven; he doesn't have a good plan for your future! I can't imagine my friend living with a guy with dirty hands every day! My gosh! That was so yuck!"

I can't blame Lexi for reacting that way. Even I can't believe Zeb is going to die in that car shop. He has a brighter future outside of that shop, he just needs to see it. But how exactly? How will he be able to do so if his heart is set on that shop?

"Raven, you don't have to take Lexi seriously all the time; he was just trying to sabotage your good relationship with Zeb; remember, she doesn't even have a boyfriend."

"Excuse me? If Zeb is that boyfriend, I'd rather stay single my entire life; I will not waste my beautiful body and brain living with a guy with stinky hands, okay? You still have time to think about it, Raven," Lexi said solemnly as she began to apply make-up to her face.

Neri simply raised her brows.

"No offense, Raven, but may I just ask why Zeb doesn't have a plan to find a more suitable and appropriate job?"

"See, Neri was just trying to make you feel better, but deep down, she doesn't agree with the relationship you're in," Lexi said, widening her eyes at me.

I licked my lips. That was always the most difficult aspect of being with my friends. I'm not sure what Zeb's motivations are. I was perplexed because he was saying nothing about it.

"You know what, Neri, I don't really know why. I told him about it earlier, and he just tried to avoid the topic. The only reason I know is that his father loves that place very much and it means a lot to him. He used that car shop to be able to send Zeb to school. I didn't expect Zeb to choose to stick to that place as well. I thought he was going to apply to a large company, but... anyway,

"Perhaps, but just some friendly advice, Raven, you have a long way to go; you have a bright future ahead of you; please don't let yourself be stuck in a place where you will be a prisoner, okay?" Lexi did the same thing, but she was more blunt and brutal, as opposed to Neri, who was very calm and sensitive.

"Thank you, Neri; thank you to both of you; shall we go?" I asked, hoping to defuse the situation.

We went to a company that was known to be the largest ever. It was, in fact, a car company.

That's what I'm saying to Zeb. a location where he could apply

My parents are referring to Axel, who owned and managed the business.

"Are you certain we'll apply here? You know you two can do it, but me... I can't."

I was about to turn away from them when Lexi grabbed my hands and turned to face me.

"Why? Because Axel is in there, and are you sure he'll hire you?" "Come on, Raven, we're looking for work, and now that we've gotten the go-ahead, why turn your back on it?"

"Lexi, please.. Zeb will feel bad about this because he saw how my family was trying to push me away from Axel; if I only knew we were coming to apply here, maybe I would just go somewhere."

"Raven, we just discussed it earlier, okay? Zeb shouldn't interfere with your plans."

"But it wasn't my plan to apply at Axel's company, okay? We never agreed or talked about it; now tell me, you planned it?" I asked, upset.

"We didn't. It just happened that this is the largest company nearby, and we have to try it. Okay? Can you just take the negative thoughts away so we can proceed?" Lexi said. "We are here for a job, a decent job, Raven, and nothing else, so please, let's get in while it's still early."

I was extremely shy at the time. I had rejected Axel so many times that I was embarrassed to be in front of him when he applied for a job. That was extremely embarrassing on my part. Another thought: how would Zeb react if he found out?

"Hello ladies! It's great to see you here, Raven."

That's what Axel said as he sat in his swivel chair.

A good-looking man, clean, and dressed differently than Zeb.

Unquestionably perfect. Someone my parents wanted to be my husband, I secretly shook my head to clear my mind. It's incorrect. I adore Zeb.

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