
Chapter 03 — Am I going to die?

Chapter 03: Am I going to die?


I was sitting on the couch in front of the TV.

My favourite cartoon was playing on the screen, but my body was definitely present here but my mind was preoccupied with the dream I had last night about me.

The thoughts have taken control over me regarding my dream.

I was startled by the dream, and I still can't believe that I died in it.

Who was that boy with whom I was in my dream?

I had agreed to marry him. What the heck! 

I grabbed my head with both of my hands!

Julian, I heard this name for the first time, and I saw him for the first time in my dream yesterday itself.


It doesn't make any sense. Yes!

I don't know whether I am lucky to see the future through my dreams, but sometimes it scares me to death and gives me pain!

There is little scientific evidence suggesting that dreams can predict the future.

I did a lot of research about this ability of mine—there are some people out there with the same abilities.

It's not any special supernatural power, but I can say that the person is lucky to see the future through dreams.

I had seen the risks and deaths of others, but I had never seen anything about myself.

I had a dream two years ago—a thug shot Justin and ran away from the cops.

Justin went into a coma after the incident. 

Science says that every action has its reaction—I saved Justin, and we sent that thug behind bars!

On the other hand, I got hurt many times!

I met in a minor accident, but I never sensed any risk about me through my dreams.

It was the first time I had sensed my risk!

Gosh, I am so confused!

I messed up with my hair while stroking my hair with my fingers when my phone beeped, grabbing my attention and making me look at the phone screen.

Justin is calling me!

I grabbed the phone in my hand and picked up the call without wasting a second.

     "Hey, idiot, where the hell are you?" I yelled at the top of my lungs without giving him a chance to talk.

    "I have been calling you since morning, but you didn't receive a single call?" I groaned while stroking my hair with my fingers—damn, I was so pissed with his disappearance without any hint.

      "Hey, Hitler, take a breath!" He sounded so soft while making me take a breath with his instructions.

Huh, he calls me Hitler because I am short-tempered and a lady lion. 

    "Where are you?" I inquired.

    "I am in Switzerland!" He replied when my eyes widened.

   "Hey, what are you doing there?" I interlocked my hair behind my ear.

    "FROM ADDRESS in the letter is SWITZERLAND." He revealed the information.

Holy crap, yes! I didn't notice the address in the letter.

Aww, my Justin is real- a police officer and the smartest one.

      "I came here to inquire about the letter and the person who sent it to you!" 

     "Are you going to find out about my father?" I sounded so low and asked him while biting my lips.

    "Yes, just in a few hours!" A smile appeared on my lips as soon as he replied to me with a confident tone.

      "I told you to give me twenty-four hours!"

    "Twelve hours have already passed, but I've got more than twelve hours in my hand!"

     "I promise you to solve the mystery of your father for the rest of twelve hours!"

"Hang on there, Hitler!" He sounded so warm.

      "Justin!" I called.

     "Yes?" he muttered.

     "Take care of yourself!”

   "Don't risk your life to solve my personal mystery!" I don't want him to cause personal problems. 

     "All right, take care of yourself, Miss Troublemaker!" He exhaled breath came out echoing into my ears.

     "You better not bring up any trouble in your head; I am not there to protect you." He teased me to death.

     "Hey, do you think I am a kid who doesn't protect herself?" I growled. 

    "Okay, I agree that I am the troublemaker, but I can protect myself."

    "Whatever!" He scoffed.

    "I warn you not to hurt yourself; otherwise, I'll kill you!" He growled before hanging up the call while making me scoff.

He warned me to stay low because I tried to change people's futures with the help of my ability, which led me to be hurt in the incidents!

I arrested a son, who killed his father for insurance money—when he came in the news and played the victim role, I got him arrested with Justin's help, when he tried to kill me but didn't succeed in touching my hair.

So, Justin warned me to sit on my buttocks without making any silly decisions! 

I trust him; he'll come up with a solution and solve the mystery about my father, but what about me? 

I have been calling him since the morning to tell him about my dream, but I felt it was not the time to tell him about it.

      "I am too late!" The voice echoed into my ears while making me look at my mother, who was running in a hurry.

     "I am already so late for work!" She picked up her bag and approached me while planting a kiss on my forehead.

      "I have prepared lunch for you; have it on time!” She touched my cheek, and I couldn't help but hug her while wrapping my hands around her waist.

    "Mumma, you would've gone through a lot, right?

     I don't know why Dad wrote in the letter that you had cheated on him but I can close my eyes and say—you were loyal in your relationship."  I yelled inside my mind while pulling her close.

     "You ran away from my dad and lived alone with me because he judged your character, right? 

     "Mom, I am always there for you; count on me!" I yelled inside my mind and closed my eyes while tightening my grip around her and hugging her tight.

     "What happened, baby girl?" She caressed my hair with her fingers.

    "I am going to miss you!" I kissed her on the cheek while breaking the hug.

     "Don't be late again; come home on time!" I tried to act like a grandmother to my mother while scolding her for not working late but coming home on time.

     "If you're late, I won't talk to you!" I placed both of my hands on my waist while staring at her with my big eyes!

       "Alright!" She chuckled while stroking my hair with her fingers.

     "I'll come on time; now happy!" As soon as she said it, I nodded my head like a baby.

      "Now I take the leave; bye!" She turned back while making her way out.

      "Oh yes, baby girl, can you pick up groceries?" She reached towards the door exit and turned back while looking at me.

I went out and bought groceries for the month.

The sun was shining brightly in the sky, and there was a gentle breeze blowing through the air. 

As I walked down the street, I couldn't help but check my phone every few minutes, hoping to receive a call or text from Justin. However, there was nothing but silence, and my anxiety began to rise.

I'm not sure if he arrived at his destination safely. I'm also unsure if the person who wrote me the letter is really my father and if he's still alive. 

Holy crap sh*t, my head is hurting—there is a puzzle around me, but I don't have the answer for any part.

Suddenly, I stopped walking and felt a sense of familiarity. 

Looking around, I noticed a restaurant and cafeteria with a logo that caught my attention. 

It was the same place where I had an accident and died in my dream. I couldn't help but feel like fate had brought me here.

I was about to buy groceries near my house, but it was closed.

Does my fate bring me here, of course, without my concern?

Jesus, I looked up at the sky while taking rapid breaths.

Is today my last day?

Am I going to die in the same place as I saw in the dream?

My heart started pounding in my ear, making me feel an ache in pain.

I want to live with my mother; I am her only family—I can't leave her alone, goddamnit!

I have to protect myself from this mess. I have always saved others with the help of my abilities.

Now is the time to protect myself.

I was with the man in my dream, but now he was not with me—so I could still change my future, yes!

I turned back to run from the place when my eyes captured the handsome personality coming out of the shop.

He is the same boy who came into my dream and met in the accident with me!

What is his name, again?


The grocery bags in my hand fell down watching him take steps close to me!

I stepped back!

Everything is happening in the same way as my dream. 

To Be Continued.

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