
Chapter Eighty: It has begun...

"Please tell me you are joking." Gwen said, her heart in her throat.

Everyone remained silent, all staring at Sheryl with pity.

Sheryl stood still, the color drained from her face.

"What happened?" Tyron asked.

"According to the letter, the Enu realm uses rjwoenowm gimmicks against them. Unknown to them they have been studying the poisonous barrier erected around the poisonous sect, and they were able to create a clone that exploded when in contact with theirs. The war was over before it even began."

Sheryl collapsed on the seat closet to her, and Gwen took her side. This was definitely not good news. What was going to happen to the Ogwu realm now?

"You need to be strong, Sheryl." Hesper said. "Things are only going to get tougher from here on out. You need to be strong so that when you make a come back, everything will work out well for you."

"But what's the point then? The kingdom has already fallen."

"It's not to late." Marc said. "Remember we have Gwen on our side. She is the Abo
Obasi Naomi

We are arriving at the climax of the story!

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