
Chapter Seventy Nine: It has Fallen...

"There is a problem." Marc said, hurrying into the room with Hesper. They both called for a meeting a few minutes ago, and everyone was gathered in Marc's office.

Gwen was seated by the side, wondering what exactly is going on. They had mentioned a few days ago that something didn't feel right, and both had been busy trying to figure out what it is.

Sheryl on the other hand was also extremely nervous. Though she smiled and laughed with everyone else, Gwen could see through her facade. She was standing at the entrance of the office, next to Tyron, waiting for Marc to say what he had discovered.

"The Ogwu realm is under attack." Hesper deadpanned.

The room went silent, and all eyes went to Sheryl. Gwen sat up, worried for her friend as she watched the color drain out of her face.

"What do you mean?" She asked, her voice shaky. "It wasn't supposed to happen for another year or so. You told me this."

"Exactly. We have no idea why he decided to strike now." Marc said, for the first time loo
Obasi Naomi

What just happened???

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