
Chapter Sixty Nine: Rest...

Tyron didn’t understand what was going on, but he wasn’t sure he liked it one bit.

The first thing that icked him, was the way this strange man kept caressing Gwen, looking at her lovingly. She had overhead Sheryl call him Hesper. His bright smile annoyed him, and he felt like getting rid of it.

“How do we trust you?” Sheryl said. To be very honest, I am extremely wary of the people of the Enu realm.”

Tyron looked at her, a sad look crossing his face.

“I apologize.” He said.

“For what?” Sheryl asked, blinking confusedly. Tyron sighed.

“The supreme lord has become so bored with long life. And so to keep himself busy, he began to plan for world domination. He started with your realm because you guys are the weakest.”

“H-Hey! You can’t say that! Have you met the Dras people? They have no powers at all!”

“But they are extremely suspicious people. They might be friendly, but they have got their eyes on everything. If a foreigner should begin something they don’t like it understand,
Obasi Naomi

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