
Chapter Seventy Six: The Fight...

Gwen woke up with a severe headache. She stood up, massaging her aching head as she looked around, trying to figure out where exactly she was. She was outside, and it looked like a hidden area where none hardly ever passed. The now familiar night sky told her that she was still in the Zruch realm.

How did she get here? she wondered. the last thing she remembered was meditating, and then Sheryl coming to visit her...

Sheryl... that's it.

She remembered the malevolent look etched on her friend's face, and no matter how much she thought of it, she was very sure that face wasn't of her friend. something about it didn't just feel right.

"Finally, your awake." a voice said, breaking her out of her musing. Gwen quickly turned around to face the voice, immediately on high alert.

"Sandra." She said, recognizing the form that walked towards her. The female grinned maliciously, and Gwen frowned deeply.

"Where is Sheryl?" she asked. "What have you done to her?"

"Oh, nothing much. Just put her to s
Obasi Naomi

Sandra really is something...

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