
Chapter Sixty Seven: The Abomination...

Tyron arrived at the portal that led to the Zruch realm. He was surprised to find that there was no one guarding the portal, and was instantly suspicious.

The air surrounding the portal was eerie, and he looked around to see if anyone stood nearby. When it was obvious that there was no one around, he took on a deep breath and walked in.

He fell into the realm a few minutes later, feeling heavier than before. When he stood, the weight on his shoulders increased, and he had to lean on his knees to stop himself from falling.

Quickly, he cast a spell on himself that temporary alleviated his pain, and he looked up to study his environment. He could hear noises at the far back and knew that there were people nearby.

He began walking towards the source of the noise, taking in the houses in the surrounding. It was nearing dawn, and he knew that the people of this realm would lose their powers at sunrise. But he had always suspected otherwise, and he knew his father thought the same.

Obasi Naomi

Things are getting more interesting!!!

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Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
I wonder if Hesper and the mind doctor are the ones that we’ll help Gwen unlock her magic or if that will be Tyron’s job??

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