
Chapter 93

Once again, for what felt like the umpteenth time. Vivian was walking through the aisle with a blank expression on her face. She held the bouquet tightly in her hand, feeling their scornful gaze on her.

Few hours, just a few hours after they came to a decision. They decided it was right for her to get married immediately because they were afraid that she would run away once again. But this time, she had no choice but to stay back. She couldn't possibly run and for the first time, she was eager to get married even though the guilt that she was possibly ruining a marriage was slowly killing her.

She raised her head, her eyes staring right into Styx's blue eyes. They both stared into each other's eyes as if they could see right into each other's soul. It's been long since she had been walking through the aisle, but it was the first time she felt this right. She felt like she was walking into a whole different world, a world where she would finally be happy. But happily ever after... don
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