
13. True colors

Ashley knocked on Bryan’s office door and heard a stern, “come in.” from inside.

So she walked inside the room and saw Bryan sitting on his seat going through the files and doing work.

Bryan gave her a glance and looked back down, Ashley pressed her lips together. When will the day come when her mate will only have eyes for her?

She sighed internally and went ahead, her mate’s ignorance was really hurting her, “Mr. Shaw, I have done everything you had asked me to.”

She said and Bryan looked at her and said, “alright keep the files here and then you can leave.”

Ashley smiled and nodded, she kept the file on the table before walking out of the room but not before giving a glance to Bryan.

And her sharp noticed that something was wrong.

Bryan’s shoulders were stiff, and he looked really tensed and worried.

She clenched her fist as she was tempted to ask Bryan what was wrong.

She wished that she can help Bryan with whatever was going on with him,

However, she couldn’t and she hated that.

But she closed her eyes and clenched her fists and said, “Baby steps Ashley Baby steps.”

She said as she walked out and saw Ava and the others waiting for her. She smiled at them, “my work is all done we can go now.”

Ahana and the others smiled and all of them went ahead,  in the middle Sophy also joined and she was not at all happy when she saw Ashley over there.

Ashley just smiled at her and Sophy didn’t like that.

Recently, she noticed that something was odd about Ashley.

Before Ashley was rather friendly towards her and would always trust her words no matter what words.

Ashley would not even notice when Sophy would mock her but no Ashley was not only answering her back she was making life tough for her,

Sophy looked at her and thought, she has to do something about this.

“So Ashley, tell us something about yourself,” Anna asked.

Ashley can tell that everyone was still a little stiff around her so she gave them all a small smile and said, “I will pay for all the drinks and the food so order whatever you want, this party will be from my side!”

As soon as she had finished speaking Anna and the others rejoiced and had the brightest smiles and Ashley said, “what do you want to know about me?”

Mark spoke, “we already know that you are the boss’s daughter, but we had heard a lot of bad things about you but you don’t seem like that at all.”

Ashley smiled, “I know you all must have heard that I am arrogant and rude right?”

Anna and the others nodded while Ashley looked at Sophy and said, “wow, Sophy, you didn’t tell them that I am not like that?”

Sophy looked at her and the others also looked at her.

Cherry who was the naive one in the group said, “she never told us anything like that, in fact, today also when we thought about asking you out for drinks she said that you would tell us to get lost.”

Anna grabbed her hand and looked at her Cherry became quiet.

Ashley looked at Sophy whose face was pale and the table had gone quiet, “I didn’t know that you had also thought like that about me Sophy.

I thought you were my friend… you didn’t even try to clear my name?”

Sophy looked at her with wide eyes, ‘this fucking bitch how dare she!’ Sophy thought in her mind.

Ashley knew very well what she was thinking, Sophy was right if this was in Ashely’s past life but in this life she had changed and she was going to use Sophy’s tricks back on her.

Sophy coughed a little and didn’t know what to say, these people are going to believe what they are seeing and not what Sophy will tell them.

Ashley was rude and arrogant and Sophy has no idea why Ashley wasn’t acting like herself.

Sophy’s image must have suffered in the eye of these people, they must be thinking that Sophy is a liar and not a good friend, and all of this made her so angry that she wanted Ashley to be right here, right now!

Sophy gulped and said, “I was just… worried that you must be busy, you know you have a lot of responsibilities on your shoulders and you are suddenly pushed into a new world. So I was worried that you might get angry if you get disturbed.”

Ashley smiled, “I understand. Thank you for worrying about me so much.”

Sophy gave her a smile, but the atmosphere was still tense before Max changed the subject.


The drinking party was finally over and by the end of it, Anna and Cherry were really drunk.

Ashley called a cab for everyone and sent them home.

And once they were all only she and Sophy, we left back.

It was awkward before Ashley’s phone rang and she saw that it was Rafael who was calling her.

She answered the call, and Sophy was looking at her.

Before it was her whom Rafael would always call, but now, it was this incompetent Ashley. 

“Alright, we will talk once I am back.” She said as she came back and Sophy asked, “what was he saying.”

“Nothing. I am calling a cab. We should leave.” Ashley said.

Sophy clenched her fist as she had enough, “you know Ashley, you can tell me anything… I can help you.”

Ashley looked at her, “I know that I can tell you anything, Sophy, but I won’t, it is something that you should not concern yourself with… let me as the alpha and Rafael as the beta handle this.”

She made sure to remind Sophy that she had no position in the pack.

Sophy had enough, and she said, “oh yeah? Well, I was handling everything before you had your enlightenment, are you excluding me because you felt that your position was threatened?”

Ashley sighed, “so you finally showed your true colors huh… good it was getting boring to keep on pretending.”

Sophy looked at her with rage and Ashley turned to her and crossed her arms before her chest and moved closer to her, “Sophy, I will ay this once so listen and listen good, you will never be as good as me, you will never have what I have, you will never take what is mine no matter how hard you try.

I am giving you a chance to step back and don’t provoke me because if you did… I won’t hesitate to show you how cruel I can be.”

Sophy felt shivers run down her spine when she heard Ashley’s cold voice.

Ashley moved back with a gentle smile still on her face, she gave a pat on Sophy’s shoulder before walking to the cab.

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