
14. Tell them no

“Council’s notice huh.”

Ashley said as she leaned back in her seat with a cup of red wine in her hand and Rafael and Amber sitting there as well in front of her.

The third in command, Jason, was there as well.

Amber said, “it has been a while since the council has made contact with us, when dad was alive, the council often came to us for help.”

Ashley took a sip from her wine, “of course, they would because dad was a kind soul who was always ready to help them no matter what.

Whenever they want wherever they want.”

Rafael said, ‘but they stopped ever since the previous Alpha died and you were never active so-”

“So they thought that I was of no use,” Ashley spoke.

Amber spoke,” the news of what you have done with those five packs has reached everywhere just as you wanted.”

Ashley smiled, “that’s good then.”

Rafael smiled and said, “people are talking about you, you really messed up those packs and their alphas’ the other packs and coven who were looking down at us are behaving now.

I have received news from all the governors, people’s perspective about us is changing and I believe that this is how the council got the news. I think that now they knew that you are active and they want your help.

The news that you have changed and that you are going to take over your mother’s business is circulating as also the rumors that you are going to be alpha soon. That’s why the council wants your help.”

Amber smiled, “this is a great time Ashley. If you say yes to helping the council, then we can establish a connection over there as well and get out reputation back.

The more you fight the more people will know about your strength and your power and the more they will respect you. And come to you.”

Ashley leaned back on her big red and comfortable sofa.

Her wine glass was empty and she kept it on the table, “Rafael.”

“Yes alpha,” he spoke.

“Tell the council that I am busy and I will not be able to help them at all.”

Rafael and Amber couldn’t believe what they heard, their eyes were wide and they were shocked.

“What?” they said together and Ashley looked at them both,” I said tell the council that I am busy and they will not be getting any help from me anytime soon.”

Ashley then got up but Amber came before her, “why Ashely? Why won’t you help them?”

Ashley sighed and said, “you remember Amber  how every time council had a problem they contacted my father, each and every time, and father never said no?”

Amber nodded and Ashley said, “Dad was a naive person. He was too good of a person, and the council took advantage of that.

Whenever they had a problem, even if it was a small problem, they would call dad.

And make him to the work, rogue attack? Call dad, demon attack? Call dad, rogue witches? Call dad. And over time they reduced the people they would send to help dad and dad would have to take pack warriors.

The main motive for the pack warriors is to protect their pack and alpha, not some other pack and you remember what happened once?

Dad was called by the council, but the council didn’t send enough people, dad took the pack warriors and in his absence pack was attacked. Mom was harmed poisoned with silver and lost her powers and she begged the council for help.

Did the council reply? Did they give an immediate reply? We lost many people that day and dad as well.

Dad was tired and injured from the fight already and then he had to come and defend the pack as well… what happened after that was he was gone.

And what did the council do? Not a single higher-up came to his funeral. They just sent trainees and you want me to be the same as a dad? Become their dog?”

Not just this, in her last life her mother had begged the council for help as well but the council insulted her and told her that she and her pack was useless and of no use.

Even Ashely herself had asked for help so many times and had begged them, but the council only laughed at her and told her to give them the moonstone, and then they would think about it.

Because for them she was a useless alpha and she would have to be of some use to them for them to consider helping her.

In her last life, she was constantly poisoned and weakened, so she wasn’t able to provide the council strength and could only give them the moonstone.

Her pack kept on getting attacked and looted, and her members were killed, raped, kidnapped, and tortured, but she wasn’t able to do anything.

The council could have helped her, but they didn’t. So now she won’t as well.

Rafael and Amber became quiet as well because what Ashley said did make sense.

In the end, Ashley said, “I will not be so easy, let the council know that the alpha has changed and their lapdog is dead.

Let them also know that they are not so special and important to me and I do not respect their words at all. I am the true blood alpha and I don’t need the council’s backing to be powerful.”

With that she walked out, her eyes were cold and her heart was burning with anger.

Sophy, Dean, the council, and whoever was the boss of Dean are all going to die at her hands.

A brutal death.

Ashley was going to ruin the council, and make them all beg for her mercy.

She smirked as she thought about ways she was going to make them all suffer.

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