
Chapter 22 – Bitter Revelation


After seeing Lyra is in good condition, I went to discuss the matter in hand with Talon and Kira. My most trusted allies in The pack.

I paced the stone floors of my office, a whirlwind of anger and disbelief swirling through me. Damien was alive and working with that wretched Elias against me?

And Elias had taken my sperm for some nefarious purpose? The betrayals cut deep.

"We cannot let this insurrection fester any longer," the gruff voice of Fury rumbled in my mind. "Elias and that traitorous whelp of Damien's must be made to answer for their treacheries."

I growled low in my throat, claws scoring the walls. As much as the primal beast inside me hungered for retribution, I knew a measured response was required. For all his transgressions, Elias still commanded significant loyalty among the pack - more than I did, in truth.

The chamber door swung open, admitting Kira and Talon. The old healer's eyes were grave, while my beta's hackles were raised, muscles coiled like an apex
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