
122–The unhinged him.


I created the problem we had at hand and it was only right that I be the one to find a solution to it. Besides, it seemed like everyone else was too stunned to even find it believable and needed time to come to terms with the fact that their Alpha wasn’t right in the head. Everyone aside, Zena, who even hours after I broke the news still couldn’t stop laughing.

I avoided everyone else by saying I needed to bring him to his room to treat the deep cut on his side and I pulled him away with me without as much as a protest from him, if anything, he seemed to be glad he was finally getting away from the inquisitive eyes of everyone.

Finding a solution to the problem is what had me in Alpha Rex’s room right now, with the version of him that wasn’t unhinged but rather…strange.

He was looking around the room, his eyes scanning the place where he had slept and woke up many times yet the obsidian eyes had not a glint of familiarity in them. He looked around and I looked at him. Only
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