
138–The Blind Beauty 2


Max—or whatever it is Eudora named him—lost me at the word, ‘pain’. Not like I was willing to listen to whatever he had to say anyway but just like he has always done since I met him, he succeeded in fanning the flames of my rage by mentioning something that I could swear was foreign to my asshole brother.


What does Rex know about pain?

What does he know about living in the same hell everyday and not being able to get out of it no matter what you do?

What does he even know about me?

He was totally clueless about me and cared more about exerting his revenge on our parents and everything they have built, than he did about the little girl who witnessed the death of the so-called parents.

A girl who learnt to grow up on her own in total darkness and became an adult long before the significant age and before her body started changing. A girl who grew up without answers and had to fight for them till this day.

So no, I didn’t care about Rex’s pain. I didn’t want to kn
Littlest Writer

This was what I wanted everyone to see when I wrote the previous chapter and now I’m satisfied with what I have written here. Zena is a really flawed character and we’ve always known that 😅 Although, now we see her and her intentions as they truly are. How do you feel about her lying and deceiving Eudora? Will they ever go back to being friends? After reading this, Do you think Eudora knows Zena like she told Alpha Rex?

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