


Once Avery was contentedly ensconced in the spare room, I whispered to Chris that we ought to definitely chat. I was wearing some additional, comfortable clothing that I'd packed but hadn't gotten around to wearing yet. "We should probably talk," I muttered. Avery didn't want to go home at all, so Chris and Camilla had a phone conversation, and remarkably, they were able to come to the conclusion that it would be best for Avery to spend the night here instead of going home. My shirt was too big for her, giving the impression that she was trying to pass it off as a dress. It was very cute to see, and I had to fight the impulse to pick Avery up and smother her with adoring kisses since it made me smile so much.

In the end, Avery was not my child at all.

However, she might be.

Or at the very least, I was holding out hope that she may be.

Avery had devoured her burger as if it were made of solid gold, painstakingly taking each bite and chewing it for an extended period of time befor
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