
Chapter 89



Did I go too far?

As I laid my back down on the mattress, my mind seemed to be filled with the pained expression he gave when I said that he shouldn’t expect honesty from a spy like me- I should be right about that one, I mean who would believe a traitor when you catch one? However, a grain of doubt lingered in the back of my mind.

{“Of course, I guess I was just stupid enough to believe that you also feel the same feelings that I have inside me.”}


Placing my palm at the top of my chest, I wondered why those words made my heart feel uncomfortable. Is it really because I'm already in love with him? Or this weighing guilt keep haunting me due to the fact that he still likes me so much even after discovering my identity?

I let out a deep sigh. “This is so annoying, I can’t believe I'm actually having second thoughts.”

My eyelids drooped shut. I didn’t have mu

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