
Chapter 78

Alec slowly opened his eyes when he heard noises coming from his room.

"I don't know, but she seems oddly familliar to me, I don't know why, but she...she just seems so familiar,"

When Alec looked to his side, he saw Keira and Derek talking. And yes, Derek is slowly becoming a part of their pack because he would always come here to visit Keira.

"I don't get what you mean, she's beautiful I give you that, but I don't really find her familiar at all,x

"That's because you're stupid!"

"Hey, that's mean," Derek pouted, but Keira was too stubborn to admit she was wrong and just huffed.

When she looked at Alec's direction and saw him awake, she instantly went to his side, with a trail of excessive energy visible by her actions.

"Hey, what happened to you?" She asked him in a scolding manner, narrowing her eyes down at him.

Instead of answering her question, Alec got up and looked at both of them weirdly, "What were you two talking about?" he asked, massaging his temples at the same time.

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