
The doubt


I groaned out with a sigh as I woke up from my deep slumber. I grunted out in pain, and held my head as I felt a pang of pain hit my head. I snapped out of my reverie, arched an eyebrow as I found myself in an unfamiliar room.

How did I get here? I asked myself, after concluding that the room was a hospital ward. My brows furrowed deeply as my gaze landed on my left wrist which had a medical drip connected to it, passing a white substance through my vein.

I grunted out, and my head aches when I tried to recall what happened when I found myself in a hospital ward.

I clenched my fist with a cold and angry look on my face as the memory slowly crept into my head.

I remembered how Ethan and I engaged in a heated conversation because of Aurelia, and how she chose him over me, her mate. That was the only thing I could remember before I fell unconscious.

I looked up as the door pulled open with a creak sound. I stared at Raymond, the pack doctor, who walked in with a stethoscope w
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