
Chapter Ninety-Four: The Cabin


During our stroll, I finally let Gina walk on her own after she kept insisting on not being carried. We had been wandering through the dense woods for about an hour if I was counting, and there was still no sign of people around, or anything else except for dense bushes and towering trees.

There was also no sign of the assailants or any danger. I caught a glimpse of wild animals along the way, but since I was present, they weren't posing any threat.

I kept a close eye on Gina, making sure she walked right beside me, and never behind. I was serious when I told myself I wouldn't let her out of my sight, even for a moment.

When she had driven off the cliff, my brain couldn't even comprehend the danger we were in. Acting on pure instincts, I pulled her to my chest, shielding her in my arms. All I had thought about at that moment was ‘protect her’.

I always thought of myself as selfish, but Gina was bringing out a selfless side of me, I never thought I had.

When the car sank
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