
Chapter 37


Someone was after me. It was dark so I couldn’t see.

“Oh Coley boy, where are you?!” they taunted in the darkness.

I stumbled around, holding my hands out to feel something, anything.

I found a wall, and followed it until I got the the edge. It turned 90 degrees to the right and then I was stood in a corridor. The corridor at my school.

“Cole! Come out, come out wherever you are!” came the voice again. Only this time I knew who it was. It was Keith Middleton. Homophobe and bully of the worst kind.

I felt my knees start to tremble as I ran down the corridor, frantically trying the door handles to each of the classrooms.




“Come on,” I willed, as I tried the last one.

The door opened and I felt relief wash over me as I ran in.

I glanced round the room and instantly froze on the spot.

The classroom was full of cages, and in each of the cages was a rabbit, all with their eyes staring right at me.

I felt a shiver travel up my body and was about to bolt back
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